What does the PA Department of Aging do?

The Pennsylvania Department of Aging works to ensure that older adults across Pennsylvania have access to quality services and supports that help them age and live well.

What age is considered elderly in Pennsylvania?

65 and older
While the “elderly” population (65 and older) in Pennsylvania remains one of the largest in the nation, it has not grown substantially since 2000 and is expected to remain relatively stable through 2010.

What is local Area Agency on Aging?

An Area Agency on Aging (AAA) is a public or private non-profit agency, designated by the state to address the needs and concerns of all older persons at the regional and local levels.

What can social services do for the elderly?

We can give you advice and recommend support, including:

  • making connections with support in your community.
  • equipment or home adaptations to support you with daily tasks.
  • home monitoring and personal alarms.
  • personal care at home – initial CA assessment.
  • supported housing options and care homes.

What is the Department of senior citizens?

This is a program of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) for indigent Senior Citizens who are frail, sickly, or with disability and without a pension or permanent source of income, compensation, or financial assistance from relatives to meet their food and medicine needs.

Who is the secretary of Aging in PA?

Robert Torres
Governor Tom Wolf appointed Robert Torres to serve as secretary of the Department of Aging on January 5, 2019 and he was confirmed by the Pennsylvania Senate on June 4, 2019.

What are the four primary roles of the Area Agencies on Aging?

AAAs provide Care Management, a service that assists frail elders and their families by 1) performing a thorough in-home assessment of the elder’s condition and living situation, 2) developing a care plan to assist the elder in maintaining a quality life, 3) determining if the elder qualifies for any government …

What is a primary risk factor of elder abuse?

Isolation of both older people and carers is a known risk factor for elder abuse. Examples include restricted or minimal contact with others, spiritual support, sharing time with friends, family or neighbours.