What does recipe for disaster unlock Osrs?


  1. Access to Kitchen weaponry.
  2. Access to the banking chest (under Lumbridge Castle)
  3. Access to a food store in the Chest.
  4. Access to buy Barrows Gloves.

When did recipe for disaster come out?

15 March 2006
Recipe for Disaster is the 100th quest released by Jagex and is a sequel to the first quest, Cook’s Assistant….This article has a quick guide found here.

Recipe for Disaster (#100)
Also called RfD
Release date 15 March 2006 (Update)
Members Yes
Voice Over No

Where are the Goblin generals Osrs?

First, inspect the frozen goblin generals in the Lumbridge Castle dining room. Go to the Goblin Village and talk to the generals. They will not help you. Go into the building just south of the generals and climb down the ladder.

Is Recipe for Disaster hard Osrs?

Recipe for Disaster is the 100th quest released by Jagex, being a sequel to the Cook’s Assistant quest. It is composed of 10 subquests. The subquests range in difficulty from easy to very hard.

Are Barrows gloves worth?

Barrows gloves provide the best offensive statistics for Melee and Ranged, having better stats than black d’hide vambraces. They have the second highest Magic offensive bonus behind the Tormented Bracelet, which lacks any defensive statistics.

Do I need 175 QP for RFD?

175 quest points will be needed in order to start the “Final Battle” in Recipe for Disaster. Barrows gloves provide the best offensive statistics for Melee and Ranged, having better stats than black d’hide vambraces.

Who wrote recipe for disaster?

Lillian TindyebwaRecipe for Disaster / Author

Where can I get brown goblin armor in Runescape?

Grab the suits of goblin mail from the following crates:

  1. Behind the generals’ hut.
  2. Inside the western hut in between the small square hut and the generals’ hut.
  3. Up a ladder near the entrance.

Where do I get goblin diplomacy dye?

Eventually, one will answer that you can dye Goblin mail orange. Grubfoot will mention “a goblin” stole yellow dye from a witch in Draynor village, and mentions you may be able to find it there. One of the generals will mention you can find goblin mail in some crates located around the village.

How do I start Goblin diplomacy?


  1. Talk to General Bentnoze or General Wartface in Goblin Village, in the Kingdom of Asgarnia (located north of Falador, and east of Taverley).
  2. Ask the generals where you can get orange armour.
  3. Alternatively, goblin mail can be obtained as a drop from killing goblins.

How do you hide Anton Virane body?

Bonus objective: Drag his body to a hiding place — maybe to a dark corner surrounded by hay and barrels. To drag his body, hold down the button as you’re moving. Doing this will reward you with a ring that boosts stealth and destruction magic from Festus.