What did the author mean when Tom stated Old Scratch must have had a tough time of it?

What did the author mean when Tom stated “Old Scratch must have had a tough time of it!” The Devil felt bad about killing his wife. The Devil had tough time killing his wife, because he found handfuls of hair and noticed the signs of fierce clapperclawing.

What is the devil’s signature in Tom Walker?

What is the devil’s signature? black print of a finger burned on Tom’s forehead.

What favor does a customer ask on Tom’s last day of life why does he think Tom might grant it?

What favor does a customer ask on Tom’s last day of life? Why does he think Tom might grant it? The customer asks for an extension on his loan because Tom is a good friend. The customer asks for more money because Tom is a good friend.

What is a main lesson of The Devil and Tom Walker?

In summary, Irving’s story ‘The Devil and Tom Walker’ is a moral tale warning its readers against greed and corruption. Irving illustrates this moral through the use of an allegory, where the characters, objects and plot represent more than simple elements of the story.

What is the message of The Devil and Tom Walker?

“The Devil and Tom Walker” contains a moral allegory that offers a warning against greed and the pursuit of earthly gain. In this story, sinful behavior is met with punishment, and the devil controls the souls of those driven by wealth.

What is the lesson Irving wants his readers to learn from this story?

Lesson Summary In summary, Irving’s story ‘The Devil and Tom Walker’ is a moral tale warning its readers against greed and corruption. Irving illustrates this moral through the use of an allegory, where the characters, objects and plot represent more than simple elements of the story.

How does Tom feel about the Devil after this incident?

He feels like the devil helped him by killing his wife because she used to abuse him. How does Tom feel about the devil after this incident? The money found through his means should be employed in his service.

What proof does the Devil give Tom?

The devil offers Tom the treasure buried under the tree by Kidd the pirate. The proof the devil gave Tom was his signature of his fingerprint left on his forehead.

What is the irony in The Devil and Tom Walker?

The dark and humorous irony in this passage is that normally nobody would willingly wish to sell her soul to the devil, and that the only reason Tom does not go through with the deal is simply to spite his wife rather than any concerns for his own welfare.

What does Tom symbolize in The Devil and Tom Walker?

The Devil And Tom Walker Devil Analysis Tom and his wife are very greedy and miserly types of people. Greed is mainly exposed throughout this story through many forms of symbolism which brings us to our first symbol, greed.

What does Tom Walker symbolize?

What is the moral message of The Devil and Tom Walker?