What deductions can I claim for AMT?

Taxes deductible on a business schedule (Schedule C), rental schedule (Schedule E), or farm schedule (Schedule F or Form 4835) are allowed for the AMT. Perhaps you can qualify for a home office, which would allow you to deduct part of your home real estate tax on Schedule C.

Is mortgage interest tax deductible in 2020?

Today, the limit is $750,000. That means this tax year, single filers and married couples filing jointly can deduct the interest on up to $750,000 for a mortgage if single, a joint filer or head of household, while married taxpayers filing separately can deduct up to $375,000 each.

What is excluded in AMT?

Exclusion items: Exclusion items are adjustment or preference items that affect only one tax year and cause a permanent difference between regular taxable income and AMTI. For individuals, an example is state and local income taxes.

Do you pay AMT if you take standard deduction?

The standard deduction is not available for AMT purposes. Nor is the itemized deduction for state and local taxes available for AMT purposes. If you are subject to the alternative minimum tax, it may be useful to itemize deductions even if itemized deductions are less than the standard deduction amount.

At what income level do you lose mortgage interest deduction?

You can deduct home mortgage interest on the first $750,000 ($375,000 if married filing separately) of indebtedness. However, higher limitations ($1 million ($500,000 if married filing separately)) apply if you are deducting mortgage interest from indebtedness incurred before December 16, 2017.

What is the AMT exemption for 2020?

The AMT exemption amount for 2020 is $72,900 for singles and $113,400 for married couples filing jointly (Table 3). In 2020, the 28 percent AMT rate applies to excess AMTI of $197,900 for all taxpayers ($98,950 for married couples filing separate returns).

How can you avoid AMT?

How to Reduce the AMT. A good strategy for minimizing your AMT liability is to keep your adjusted gross income (AGI) as low as possible. Some options: Participate in a 401(k), 403(b), SARSEP​, 457(b) plan, or SIMPLE IRA by making the maximum allowable salary deferral contributions.