What are the ECG changes in digoxin toxicity?

Certain ECG changes with digoxin may purely indicate a therapeutic effect (such as the ST depression and T wave flattening), while other changes (such as T wave inversion and arrhythmias) indicate toxicity.

What are three manifestations of digoxin toxicity?

Digoxin toxicity is a life-threatening condition. The most common symptoms are gastrointestinal and include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. The cardiac manifestations are the most concerning and can be fatal.

Does digoxin cause wide QRS?

Wide QRS tachycardia caused by severe hyperkalaemia and digoxin intoxication.

Can digoxin cause inverted T waves?

Perhaps the earliest, but most variable, features of digoxin effect on the ECG are the changes in T wave morphology. The T waves may be flattened, inverted, biphasic, or of course, may remain normal; biphasic T waves may demonstrate peaking of the terminal portion.

Does digoxin shorten QT interval?

Digoxin treatment also increases [Ca2+]i but shortens QT (via vagal activation). It predisposes to TdP [3, 4], presumably through this mechanism, as well as by causing bradycardia.

Does digoxin cause SVT?

Moreover, digoxin is used frequently in the emergency setting to slow ventricular rate during supraventricular tachycardia (e.g atrial fibrillation). Because digoxin may cause life-threatening arrhythmias, every health care provider must be able to recognize common digoxin ECG changes and arrhythmias.

What causes digitalis effect on ECG?

The ECG features of digoxin effect are seen with therapeutic doses of digoxin and are due to: Shortening of the atrial and ventricular refractory periods — producing a short QT interval with secondary repolarisation abnormalities affecting the ST segments, T waves and U waves.

Does digoxin cause tachycardia?

Overall, digoxin slows the conduction and increases the refractory period in cardiac tissue by enhancing vagal tone. These actions of digoxin can result in almost every type of arrhythmia possible such as: Extrasystole. Nonparoxysmal junctional tachycardia.

Does digoxin prolong the QT interval?

What is digitalis effect on ECG?

Normal ECG changes with therapeutic levels of digitalis include the following: T-wave changes (often the earliest sign), ranging from flattening to inversion or peaking of the terminal portion of the T wave. Shortening of the Q-T interval.

Does digoxin increase QTC?