What are the 3 components of plyometric exercises?

Plyometrics consist of 3 phases: Eccentric pre-stretch (loading) phase. Amortization (coupling or time to rebound) phase. Concentric shortening (rebound) phase.

What is the objective of a plyometric exercise?

Plyometrics work by quickly stretching the muscle (eccentric) followed by a very quick muscle contraction (concentric). The GOAL of plyometric training is to develop the power and speed that is specific to a sport.

What is a key characteristic of plyometric exercise?

Plyometric exercise employs high velocity eccentric and concentric muscle loading, reflexive reactions, and functional movement patterns. Because this type of training places high mechanical demands on the body, it should only be introduced when the patient has good strength and endurance.

What does plyometric training involve?

Summary. Plyometric training involves the usage of jumps, hops, bounds, and/or skips and should not be confused with ballistic training. This form of training is governed by the stretch-shortening cycle, otherwise known as the reversible action of muscles.

What type of exercise is plyometrics?

Plyometrics is a type of exercise training that uses speed and force of different movements to build muscle power. Plyometrics training can improve your physical performance and ability to do different activities.

What process does plyometric exercise use?

stretch shortening cycle
Plyometric exercises use the stretch shortening cycle (SSC) to generate quick, powerful pre-stretch or counter-movements. Muscles are loaded with a lengthening (eccentric) action, followed immediately by a shortening (concentric) action to reach their optimum force in the fastest time possible.

What components of fitness are used in plyometric training?

Recall that plyometric exercises are based on three components, an eccentric component that stretches the muscle, the amortization component focusing on dynamic stabilization, and the concentric component that concentrically contracts the muscle.