What are community legal advice Centres?

Community Legal Advice Centres Centres give free, generalized, face-to-face legal advice at an initial appointment and further specialized advice for people eligible for legal aid. Centres are jointly funded by the Legal Services Commission and local councils.

What are community legal Centres in Australia?

Community legal centres are independent, not-for-profit community-based organisations. They provide free legal help, including information, referrals, legal education, advice, casework and representation services, to hundreds of thousands of people across Australia each year.

How many community legal Centres are there in Australia?

180 community legal centres
Community Legal Centres Australia’s members are the eight state and territory community legal centres associations. Together, we represent nearly 180 community legal centres across Australia.

Do law Centres give free advice?

Advice is provided free and priority is given to work that affects the most disadvantaged. Law Centres are specialists in social welfare law.

Can you get a free consultation with a solicitor?

Some solicitors give 30 minutes’ legal advice for free. Some offer a fixed fee – that way you’ll know in advance what the advice will cost. You can call a solicitor’s office and ask if they offer a free half hour or a fixed fee. A free or fixed-fee appointment can help you find out your rights and legal position.

What is CLA legal aid?

Civil Legal Advice is a national advice service for England and Wales, funded by legal aid. You need to be eligible for legal aid to use the service. The CLA will assess your eligibility or you can check yourself using the gov.uk eligibility checker.

What do CLCs do?

Community Legal Centres (CLCs) are independent community organisations providing equitable and accessible legal services. CLCs not only provide legal advice and assistance, but also encourage and enable people to develop skills to be their own advocates.

What is a specialist CLC?

A specialist CLC provides legal services in relation to a particular area of law or to a particular group of people with special needs (e.g., the Financial Rights Legal Centre and the Intellectual Disability Rights Service).

What support do law Centres offer?

Law Centres offer legal advice, casework and representation to individuals and groups. Spotting local trends and issues in the course of their work, they highlight them to bring about necessary policy changes and to prevent future problems.

Can you still get 30 minutes free with a solicitor?

Can I pay solicitors fees by installments?

You can ask if your lawyer’s firm will allow you to make payments over time. Sometimes law firms can offer those arrangements. For example, you might be able to pay your legal costs by instalments. You should check whether there will be any additional charge for paying in this way.
