What antimalarial drug is used in Africa?

For many years the treatment of malaria in Africa has relied on chloroquine, sulfadoxine combined with pyrimethamine, and quinine, with the latter being used mainly to treat severe cases.

What disease did quinine cure in Africa?

Quinine in the management of severe malaria Over the years, quinine has been the mainstay in the treatment of severe malaria and still remains the first line drug in most African countries [24].

What is the best treatment for malaria in Africa?

Medications. The most common antimalarial drugs include: Chloroquine phosphate. Chloroquine is the preferred treatment for any parasite that is sensitive to the drug.

What is Algid malaria?

Algid is a rare complication of tropical malaria and it occurs in 0.37% of cases. Algid malaria is characterized by hemodynamic disorders as shock with pronounced metabolic changes and hypothermia. A number of factors are involved in the development of algid malaria.

Is quinine native to Africa?

The foundation of traditional tonic water, quinine, is a bitter tasting alkaloid that is derived from the bark of several species of the genus Cinchona. Indigenous to South America, particularly Peru, it’s unclear how cinchona was introduced to Europe.

Why is it called Algid malaria?

Abstract. Severe malaria complicated by circulatory shock is known as algid malaria. Cases of severe imported malaria are seen increasingly frequently in emergency departments in the United States, Europe, and other locales. The optimal volume resuscitation strategy for patients with severe malaria is not well-defined.

What does Algid mean?

Algid is a rather cold and lonely word, etymologically speaking-it’s the only word in any of the dictionaries we publish that comes from the Latin word algēre, meaning “to feel cold.” Also, English speakers have warmed to its many synonyms-among them “cold,” “frigid,” “arctic,” “chill”-much more readily than they’ve …