Should unvaccinated adults get polio vaccine?

Unvaccinated adults at risk for poliovirus infection should get three doses of IPV: two doses separated by 1 to 2 months, and. a third dose 6 to 12 months after the second dose.

Are adults vaccinated against polio?

Adults. Most adults do not need polio vaccine because they were already vaccinated as children. But three groups of adults are at higher risk and should consider polio vaccination in the following situations: You are traveling to a country where the risk of getting polio is greater.

Can an unvaccinated person get polio?

Anyone who has not been vaccinated can get the disease. Because there are people throughout the world and in the United States that are not vaccinated, it is possible that infected travelers can carry polio to unvaccinated people.

What happens if adults get polio?

Between 2 and 10 out of 100 people who have paralysis from poliovirus infection die, because the virus affects the muscles that help them breathe. Even children who seem to fully recover can develop new muscle pain, weakness, or paralysis as adults, 15 to 40 years later.

Can you still get polio after being vaccinated?

People with certain immune problems can catch the disease from a child who has recently been vaccinated with oral polio vaccine. This type of vaccine is no longer used in the U.S.

Could you still get polio after being vaccinated?

People with certain immune problems can catch the disease from a child who has recently been vaccinated with oral polio vaccine.

Is polio eradicated?

The United States has been polio-free since 1979, thanks to a successful vaccination program. However, poliovirus is still a threat in some countries. Get your child vaccinated on schedule to help keep the U.S. polio-free.

Why does the polio vaccine last a lifetime?

Measles is an example of a stable virus that is unlikely to replicate, so scientists could predict that immunity would last a long time, which it does.” Smallpox and polio, highly contagious viruses that were almost eradicated through vaccination, are also stable with low mutation rates.

What is the life expectancy of someone with polio?

Outlook. In most cases, post-polio syndrome life expectancy is good. PPS is rarely life-threatening, though symptoms can vary from mild to severe. If you have PPS, talk to your doctor about how to manage your condition.

How long is a polio vaccination good for?

After the primary series, you need an extra (booster) dose at age 4 years to keep you protected. Adults who are at risk for polio may need a booster dose. You must wait at least 10 years after getting your childhood immunizations (primary series) for polio before getting this booster.

Is polio vaccine for life?

It is not known how long people who received IPV will be immune to poliovirus, but they are most likely protected for many years after a complete series of IPV.