Is vasculitis a hypersensitivity?

Hypersensitivity vasculitis is an extreme reaction to a drug, infection, or foreign substance. It leads to inflammation and damage to blood vessels, mainly in the skin.

Will hypersensitivity vasculitis go away?

Hypersensitivity vasculitis most often goes away over time. The condition may come back in some people. People with ongoing vasculitis should be checked for systemic vasculitis.

How do you get inflammatory vasculitis?

Vasculitis can occur spontaneously as a disease unto itself, or in other instances can occur in the context of a broader autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. In those autoimmune diseases, the body perceives its own tissue as “foreign” and the immune system attacks the body’s own cells.

What is the treatment for hypersensitivity vasculitis?

Mild cases of hypersensitivity vasculitis are usually self-limited and treated with supportive care. Elevation of the legs or use of compression stockings may be helpful because the disease often affects dependent areas. NSAIDs, analgesics, or antihistamines can be used to treat symptoms of burning, pain, and pruritus.

What medications can trigger vasculitis?

Triggers for a hypersensitivity vasculitis reaction certain antibiotics such as penicillin and sulfa drugs. some blood pressure medications. phenytoin (Dilantin, an antiseizure medication) allopurinol (used for gout)

What are the three types of vasculitis?

The various types of the condition are grouped according to the size of the blood vessels affected, falling into one of three general categories: large, medium, and small vessel vasculitis.

Can vasculitis be caused by stress?

Study Shows Psychological Health Important to Controlling Wegener’s Granulomatosis. In patients with a devastating form of vasculitis who are in remission, stress can be associated with a greater likelihood of the disease flaring, according to a new study by investigators at Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS).

Is vasculitis a terminal illness?

With early diagnosis and appropriate treatment vasculitis is now rarely fatal. Many milder cases may cause damage to organs or discomfort but are not life-threatening.

Is vasculitis a form of lupus?

Large-vessel vasculitis is not part of lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. When the large blood vessels develop vasculitis, it is an independent disease, such as Takayasu’s or giant cell (also called cranial or temporal) arteritis.