Is OpenOffice compatible with DOCX?

Open Office works with most Microsoft formats including DOCX, XLS, PPT, and XML. It’s free to use on Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms.

What is an ODS file?

ods extension stand for OpenDocument Spreadsheet Document format that are editable by user. Data is stored inside ODF file into rows and columns. It is XML-based format and is one of the several subtypes in the Open Document Formats (ODF) family.

What is the extension to save file in OpenOffice Draw?

File formats

Document type Application Extension
Spreadsheet Calc ods
Spreadsheet Template Calc ots
Drawing Draw odg
Drawing Template Draw otg

What files will OpenOffice open?

File formats OOo can open

  • Microsoft Word 6.0/95/97/2000/XP (. doc and . dot)
  • Microsoft Word 2003 XML (. xml)
  • Microsoft Word 2007 XML (. docx, . docm, . dotx, . dotm)
  • Microsoft WinWord 5 (. doc)
  • WordPerfect Document (. wpd)
  • WPS 2000/Office 1.0 (. wps)
  • . rtf, . txt, and . csv.
  • StarWriter formats (. sdw, . sgl, . vor)

Can I open .doc in OpenOffice?

If you already have documents in Microsoft Office’s proprietary file formats, including Word’s DOC and DOCX formats, OpenOffice can open them without any intermediary conversion needed.

Can OpenOffice open Microsoft Office files? can not open or convert Microsoft Access files (. mdb) files directly, however it can access the data in the tables using DAO and ODBC.

Can Microsoft Office Open ODS files?

The . ods file type are compatible with Apache Open Office only and cannot be opened with other spreadsheet programs, including Microsoft Excel.

What is the difference between ODS and XLS file?

xls/xlsx, the difference between these two files is very big. The same spreadsheet as ODS is 4,5x bigger than itself as XLS: spreadsheet.

What is the file extension of writer?

Writer has extensive support for all common file formats. By default Writer uses the ODF format with the file extension odt and you should normally use this format. However if want to share your documents with people who use Microsoft Office you can save your document to the docx format.

Does OpenOffice open word documents?

Can OpenOffice read MS Office document?

Apache’s OpenOffice Writer is a versatile program, with one of its strengths being the ability to open and read document formats from other word processors, such as Microsoft Word and the . doc and . docx formats.