Is comfrey illegal in the US?

The pyrrolizidine alkaloids in comfrey can cause severe liver damage, liver cancer, mutagenicity, and even death. [8,9] For this reason, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has banned the sale of oral comfrey products in the United States.

What is the herb bone knit?

Comfrey was once commonly called Knitbone because of its amazing ability to heal broken bones and “knit” them back together again. The botanical name, Symphytum, means “to unite.”

Does comfrey actually work?

Early research shows that applying comfrey ointment to the affected area for up to 2 weeks improves mobility, decreases pain, and reduces tenderness and swelling of sprains. The effect of comfrey ointment in relieving pain and reducing swelling seems to be comparable to the effects of diclofenac gel.

Why did FDA ban comfrey?

a cancer-causing agent. The US Food and Drug Administration on Friday asked makers of dietary supplements containing the herb comfrey to withdraw their products due to the danger of liver damage and its possible role as a cancer-causing agent.

Can you use comfrey on open wounds?

Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) acts as an anti-inflammatory to promote healing of bruises, sprains, and open wounds when applied topically. The roots and leaves of this plant contain the protein allantoin, which stimulates cell proliferation and promote wound and bone healings.

What herb heals bones?

Horsetail is a herb in the silicon which can be boiled and made into tea in the early stage of fracture healing. Arnica (Arnica montana) is also herb which is reported to help in bone healing.

Is comfrey good for wrinkles?

Comfrey is considered to be an essential anti-aging ingredient, because it contains both allantoin and rosmarinic acid. Allantoin promotes the growth of new skin cells and rosmarinic acid acts as a painkiller and reduces inflammation. Comfrey softens skin and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Can comfrey help osteoarthritis?

According to the same research review, results also suggested that comfrey can help treat osteoarthritis, as well as some injuries, such as ankle sprains. A study reported in Phytotherapy Research also suggests that creams containing comfrey root can help relieve upper and lower back pain.