How much can you import before paying tax NZ?

We do not collect any duty, fees or GST unless the value of your item/shipment is over NZ$1000. This doesn’t apply to alcohol or tobacco. Note: For duty and GST calculations, if you import multiple orders in a short time period from the same supplier and address, we consider them to be a single shipment.

How much is customs duty in New Zealand?

15% GST. Duty if required, this depends on where your item is from and what it is. $59.48: Import Transaction Fee $33.03 plus Biosecurity System Entry Levy $26.45.

Does New Zealand have import tariffs?

Most goods imported into New Zealand have no import tariffs. Tariffs of 5 or 10 per cent apply to some imported goods including some textiles, footwear, processed foods, machinery, steel, and plastic products. Preferential duties are tariff rates that are lower than the normal New Zealand tariff rates.

How much can I import without paying GST?

Customs will not collect GST, duty or charge an Import Entry Transaction Fee (IETF) on goods valued $1000 or less, unless the goods are part of a large consignment. This does not apply to tobacco products and the like and alcohol products – duty and GST are collected regardless of the value.

How much tax do I pay on imported goods?

Customs Duty

Type and value of goods Customs Duty
Non-excise goods worth £135 or less No charge
Gifts above £135 and up to £630 2.5%, but rates are lower for some goods – call the helpline
Gifts above £630 and other goods above £135 The rate depends on the type of goods and where they came from – call the helpline

How do I avoid paying GST on imports?

How to Avoid Paying Duty and GST on Imported Gifts

  1. is sent to a private person by or on behalf of another private person resident abroad.
  2. is of an unsolicited nature (not ordered or paid for by the addressee)
  3. is occasional and not part of an ongoing arrangement to avoid the payment of duty and GST.

Can you avoid import tax?

Depending on what you bought, you may have to pay an import duty, which is a type of tax levied by the federal government on particular imported items. Unfortunately, there’s no legal way to avoid import duty—if the duty is owed, someone has to pay it.

How much are import duties?

Duty rates vary from 0 to 37.5 percent, with a typical duty rate about 5.63 percent. Some goods are not subject to duty (e.g. some electronic products, or original paintings and antiques over 100 years old). The United States has signed Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with a number of countries.

Do I have to pay GST on imported goods NZ?

From 1 December 2019, overseas businesses that sell goods valued at $1000 or less to consumers (private individuals) in NZ may need to register for, collect and return, goods and services tax (GST).