How many bog bodies were found in Europe?

Over 500 Iron Age bog bodies and skeletons dating to between 800 B.C. and A.D. 200 have been discovered in Denmark alone, with more unearthed in Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Ireland. (Read “Tales From the Bog” in National Geographic magazine.)

What happened to the bog bodies?

Many bog bodies show signs of being stabbed, bludgeoned, hanged or strangled, or a combination of these methods. In some cases the individual had been beheaded. In the case of the Osterby Man found at Kohlmoor, near Osterby, Germany in 1948, the head had been deposited in the bog without its body.

What country has the most bog bodies?

Bog bodies, or bog people, are the naturally preserved corpses of humans and some animals recovered from peat bogs. The bodies have been most commonly found in the Northern European countries of Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Ireland.

What is one distinguishing feature of the bog bodies of northern Europe?

The peat bogs of northern Europe have a few other characteristics that make them ideal for body preservation. They’re generally in cold climates, where bodies decay more slowly — this allows them to be enveloped by the bog before decomposition sets in.

What is bog slang for?

British Slang. a lavatory; bathroom.

Why is Yde Girl important?

The Girl from Yde is the most iconic bog body of the Netherlands, also because of the facial reconstruction from 1994. Thanks to new research of Wageningen University & Research we now know in what kind of physical and cultural landscape she lived at the time. This offers a unique perspective on her life and death.

Do bog bodies have teeth?

The problem is that bog bodies often have no bones and their teeth are terribly degraded.

Why did the Tollund Man get hung?

If he had been, he would have been cremated. Rather, he was probably ritually hanged as a spiritual sacrifice. Some parts of the man’s body did not fare as well as others. His arms and hands were reduced to little more than a thin layer of toughened tissue covering bones.