How long is the ARC program?

The program includes a six-week Student Practicum where candidates are placed with cooperating teachers in districts across the state for student teaching. A highly competitive program, ARC has produced over 5,000 teachers over since its inception 30 years ago.

What is ARC Connecticut?

The Arc Connecticut is an advocacy organization committed to protecting the rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and to promoting opportunities for their full inclusion in the life of their communities.

What states have teaching reciprocity with Connecticut?

Connecticut Teacher Reciprocity Agreements

Alabama Kansas New Hampshire
California Maine New York
Colorado Maryland North Carolina
Delaware Massachusetts North Dakota
Florida Michigan Ohio

Is a master’s degree required to teach in CT?

Students must complete a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in order to become teachers. However, many teachers decide to continue on to graduate school and earn a master’s degree in Elementary Education.

What is the difference between arc and arch?

Arc comes from the Old French arc meaning bowed or curved. An arch is a curved structure that spans an opening and usually supports a bridge or roof. An arch may also be a decorative feature.

What is ARC certification?

The ARC Specialist is an individual who has demonstrated the knowledge of ARC’s Area Settlement Plan (ASP) by passing the ARC Specialist Certification examination. All individuals who successfully pass the exam receive a certificate and the “ARC Specialist” designation.

Does Connecticut require edTPA?

Overview. In December 2016, following a successful two-year pilot involving several Connecticut Educator Preparation Providers (EPPs), the Connecticut State Board of Education (CSBE) officially adopted edTPA as a requirement for EPP program completion.

Does Connecticut have reciprocity with Massachusetts?

Yes. Connecticut has reciprocity agreements with Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Rhode Island. Learn more about reciprocity with Connecticut.

What states accept Massachusetts teaching license?

Massachusetts Teacher Reciprocity Agreements

Alabama Indiana New Hampshire
California Louisiana New York
Colorado Maine North Carolina
Connecticut Maryland North Dakota
Delaware Michigan Ohio