How install RAC on VMware Linux?

Step by Step Install of Oracle RAC 12cR1 on OEL 6.5 using VMware Workstation 10

  1. Vm workstation 10.
  2. OEL 6.5 install.
  3. DNS nameserver configuration.
  4. Creating a Shared Disk.
  5. Configure Oracle ASM.
  6. Copy the VMware.
  7. Pre-check for RAC Setup.
  8. Install and Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster.

How install Oracle 11g Express Linux?

To install Oracle Database XE:

  1. Log on to your computer with root permissions.
  2. Click Free Download and follow the instructions to select and download the Linux version of Oracle Database XE.
  3. Run the Oracle Database XE executable oracle-xe-11.2.
  4. When prompted, run the following command: # /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure.

How do I install Oracle client on Linux?

  1. Download the desired Oracle Instant Client RPM packages. Select the correct platform, architecture, and packages of your choice.
  2. Install the packages using yum . For Oracle Linux 7: Copy $ sudo yum install oracle-instantclient-basic-

Can I install Oracle 11g on Ubuntu?

This package can be downloaded here. Oracle 11g requires the installation of the 32-bit version of the libstdc++5 package that is not installed on Ubuntu 16 automatically.

Can Oracle RAC run on VMware?

From VMware’s perspective, All Oracle products including Oracle RAC will be supported by VMware, anywhere and everywhere vSphere runs on all VMware Hybrid Cloud platforms including on-premises and all of the VMware Cloud offerings.

What are the prerequisites for RAC setup?

When you configure the network for Oracle RAC and Oracle Clusterware, each node in the cluster must meet the following requirements:

  • Each node must have at least two network interface cards (NIC), or network adapters.
  • Public interface names must be the same for all nodes.

How install Oracle RPM file in Linux?

Running RPM Packages to Install Oracle Database

  1. Log in as root .
  2. Depending on your operating system, download the . rpm file required for performing an RPM-based installation to a directory of your choice.
  3. Install the database software using the yum localinstall command.

Can I install Oracle XE on Ubuntu?

A. An Oracle database consists of a collection of data managed by an Oracle database management system. You can download Oracle Database XE server for Debian, Mandriva, Novell, Red Hat and Ubuntu Linux distributions. First you need to get databases up and running in order to use Oracle.

How do I know if Oracle client is installed on Linux?

Go to $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin . Start Oracle Universal Installer. Click Installed Products to display the Inventory dialog box on the Welcome screen. Select an Oracle Database product from the list to check the installed contents.

How do I know if Oracle Instant client is installed on Linux?

Go to a different directory from the one on which you installed Oracle’s Instant Client and enter the following command: sqlplus scott@bigdb/tiger select user from dual; If this test is successful, you are ready to use the run-time.

Where does Oracle install on Linux?

The default location is /u01/app/oracle/product/8.0. 5/orainst/root. sh. Select the following products to install (see Figure 10):

Does Oracle support Ubuntu?

Oracle is pleased to announce that Oracle Linux KVM now supports Canonical Ubuntu as a guest Operating System (OS) on top of Oracle Linux KVM.