How does Edith Stein define empathy?

Stein felt empathy was an act of ideation through which we can systematically and comprehensively discern not only others’ spiritual types but our own. Empathy is a prerequisite for both knowledge of others and the self.

How did Edmund Husserl understand empathy?

While Husserl in Ideen II does indeed speak of the other’s mind (Geist) as the sense of the lived-body, and claims that empathy is the apprehension of the lived body which grasps this sense, he means by this that empathy is an apprehension which discloses that body as what it concretely is (i.e., as the embodiment of a …

What is the meaning of empathy in philosophy?

Philosophers usually use ’empathy’ to refer to an emotional reaction to another person’s emotion or situation that matches, more or less, what the other person feels or is expected to feel, and that has as its object the other person.

What is empathy in psychology?

According to Hodges and Myers in the Encyclopedia of Social Psychology, “Empathy is often defined as understanding another person’s experience by imagining oneself in that other person’s situation: One understands the other person’s experience as if it were being experienced by the self, but without the self actually …

What is Edith Stein philosophy?

Stein was an original thinker who challenged not only the direction in which Husserlian phenomenology was progressing but also sought to bring to philosophical light the relevance of certain key questions, including the meaning of what it is to be human, the relevance of metaphysics to science, and fundamental …

Who developed the phenomenology of empathy?

As a matter of fact, the most important discussant in Stein’s text, besides Husserl and Scheler, is Theodor Lipps, who developed the first systematic simulationist theory of empathy, and who is an important source of reference for some contemporary simulationists (Stueber 2006).

What is the theory of Edmund Husserl?

Husserl argued that the study of consciousness must actually be very different from the study of nature. For him, phenomenology does not proceed from the collection of large amounts of data and to a general theory beyond the data itself, as in the scientific method of induction.

What philosophers say empathy?

According to some philosophers in the phenomenological tradition, including Edmund Husserl and Edith Stein, empathy (Einfühlung) is a quasi-perceptual achievement, which comprises our most basic sense of others as subjects of experience and also provides more specific insights into what they are experiencing.