How do you spell Coutie?

Correct pronunciation for the word “Cutie” is [kjˈuːti], [kjˈuːti], [k_j_ˈuː_t_i].

Where did the word MF originate?

The word “motherfucker” was used in English before African slaves arrived in the colonies, but much less frequently and casually than it came into use among African slaves and African Americans.

Do girls have cooties?

It turns out one gender really does have more cooties than the other, according to a study out this month that compared the number of different types of bacteria on the hands of males and females.

Is cooties a real word?

noun plural coot·ies. Informal. a louse, especially one affecting humans, as the body louse, head louse, or pubic louse. a child’s term for an imaginary germ or disease that one can catch by touching a person who is disliked or socially avoided: The girls at camp thought the boys had cooties.

Do males have cooties?

According to a new study, men’s offices contain more bacteria than women’s. New York City offices are also more contaminated than those in San Francisco and Tucson. Photograph courtesy of Flickr user Jeffrey Beall. Ladies, boys really do have cooties.

What is a Cottie?

Informal. a louse, especially one affecting humans, as the body louse, head louse, or pubic louse.

How do u get cooties?

Chiefly, however, cooties are a highly contagious infection, albeit imaginary, that young children catch by being touched by a young child of the opposite sex. Transmission usually occurs on the playground. There are several cures for such cooties, depending on who you ask.

How did cooties start?

The word first appeared during World War I as soldiers’ slang for the painful body lice that infested the trenches. It went mainstream in 1919 when a Chicago company incorporated the pest into the Cootie Game, in which a player maneuvered colored “cootie” capsules across a painted battlefield into a cage.

Why is it called cooties?