How do you set the height of a tbody with overflow scroll?

To fix the HTML table tbody height with scrollable content you have to fix height with overflow auto property. For table thead, tbody tr you have to set display table and table-layout fixed properties.

How do you set a table scroll?

Suppose we want to add a scroll bar option in HTML, use an “overflow” option and set it as auto-enabled for adding both horizontal and vertical scroll bars. If we want to add a vertical bar option in Html, add the line “overflow-y” in the files.

How do you make Tbody scrollable?

If you want tbody to show a scrollbar, set its display: block; . Set display: table; for the tr so that it keeps the behavior of a table. To evenly spread the cells, use table-layout: fixed; . Anyhow, to set a scrollbar, a display reset is needed to get rid of the table-layout (which will never show scrollbar).

How do you make a table scroll horizontally?

You can add a horizontal flow by doing the following:

  1. Wrap your table in a container.
  2. create your own reusable class with style: “width: 100%;overflow-x: scroll;”
  3. Use your created class in the created container.
  4. Create another class for the width of the table (base on your preference). for ex. width: 20000px.

How do I fix table body height in HTML?

The height of rows ‘tr’ in a table can be fixed very easily. This can be done by adding the height attribute in the tr tag. If the height is not specified, the height of the row changes according to the content. The height can be specified either in pixels, or percentage.

How do I make my table width responsive?

How to Make a Table Responsive Manually

  1. A correctly formatted HTML table.
  2. A simple CSS ruleset that will trigger when a screen display shrinks below a preset width.
  3. A short bit of JavaScript to associate the table headings with the data cells that appear in the same table column.

How do you make a table scrollable in Excel?

Steps to Create a Scroll Bar in Excel

  1. The first step is to get your data in place.
  2. Go to Developer Tab –> Insert –> Scroll Bar (Form Control).
  3. Click on Scroll Bar (Form Control) button and click anywhere on your worksheet.
  4. Right-click on the Scroll Bar and click on ‘Format Control’.

What is horizontal scrollbar?

A horizontal scroll bar enables the user to scroll the content of a window to the left or right. A vertical scroll bar enables the user to scroll the content up or down.

Why does the scrollbar appear at 100% the height of HTML?

It’s this behavior that’s causing the scrollbar to appear, since you’ve declared body to have 100% the height of html. Note that the actual height of body is unaffected, as margins are never included in height calculations. Show activity on this post.

How do I make a table scrollable in HTML?

Inner div which makes the inner table scrollable. The thead table row is absolutely positioned to make it stay on top of the body, same is done with the footer. Because the inner div is overflow: auto and a height defined the rest of the table rows fall inline in the scollable area.

How to set the height of a table in HTML?

You need to wrap the table inside another element and set the height of that element. Example with inline css: Show activity on this post. This CSS also shows a fixed height HTML table. It sets the height of the HTML tbody to 400 pixels and the HTML tbody scrolls when the it is larger, retaining the HTML thead as a non-scrolling element.

Is it possible to scroll inside the outer table?

But the tbody of the outer table contains only one row, one column and in it it has another table. This column has a height defined and overflow: auto so the able in it (which only has the content) will be scrolled inside it.