How do you make struvite fertilizer?

As long as the crystallization conditions are suitable, the struvite crystal would be generated just by adding magnesium (Mg2+) in the raw wastewater which has high concentrations of HnPO4n−3 and NH4+-N. This technology can remove nitrogen at the same time and its production can be used as fertilizer.

What pH does struvite form in?

Struvite stones form only in the presence of both ammonium ions and an alkaline urine (pH ≥ 7), which only occur with urease-producing bacteria.

How are struvite stones formed?

What causes struvite stones? Struvite stones are caused by an upper urinary tract infection (UTI) from bacteria. Ammonia produced as a waste product by the bacteria can make the urine less acidic (or more alkaline). Struvite stones form when the urine becomes more alkaline.

Is triple phosphate the same as struvite?

Struvite stones are also known as triple-phosphate (3 cations associated with 1 anion), infection (or infection-induced), phosphatic, and urease stones. Other, less common staghorn calculi can be composed of mixtures of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate.

How is struvite made?

What is struvite fertilizer?

Struvite is a phosphate fertilizer, although it contains a significant amount of nitrogen and magnesium, and it is an effective alternative source of rock phosphate to maintain the agricultural production system.

What is the solubility of struvite?

The solubility of struvite determined in deionized water was found to be 169.2 (+/-4.3) mg l(-1) at 25 degrees C, with the maximum value of 212.7 (+/-3.8) mg l(-1) at 35 degrees C.

What ratio of ammonia is used in precipitation?

MAP precipitation as a pre-treatment process was used to achieve high ammonia removal from raw leachate collected from sanitary landfill. The removal of ammonia at Mg:NH4:PO4 ratio of 1: 1: 0.55 varied between 37-44%. The best ammonia removal efficiency ratio was achieved by 90.63% at Mg:NH4:PO4 ratio of 4: 1: 2.2.

How struvite stone is formed?

Struvite stones are caused by an upper urinary tract infection (UTI) from bacteria. Ammonia produced as a waste product by the bacteria can make the urine less acidic (or more alkaline). Struvite stones form when the urine becomes more alkaline.

Why is struvite called triple phosphate?