How do you make marshmallow root hair detangler?

2 Tbsp organic marshmallow root. 2 cups water. 2 Tbsp aloe vera gel. 20 drops organic lavender essential oil.

Does marshmallow root detangle hair?

There are many hair benefits that come from marshmallow root, all of which are key to healthy growth. Marshmallow can nourish and detangle, condition dry scalp and hair, prevent breakage, restore heat-damaged locks, and prevent irritation caused by dry skin and scalp.

How do you make homemade detangler?


  1. 1: Put 2–3 tablespoons of your favorite conditioner in your squirt bottle.
  2. 2: Fill up the bottle the rest of the way with hot water.
  3. 3: Add 2–3 drops of essential oil for scent if you like.
  4. 4: Shake!
  5. 5: Spray on dry hair to untangle even the worst cases of bedhead or convertible-car-hair.

Which is better slippery elm or marshmallow root?

Slippery elm is also astringent, meaning it not only soothes and moistens tissue, but gently tightens and tonifies it as well, making it a better choice for diarrhea than mallow.

What is a good homemade detangler?

Natural Home Detangler

  • 1.5 teaspoons Apple Cider Vinegar.
  • 5 drops Lavender essential oil.
  • Distilled water.

How do you use marshmallow root on hair?

Add 1 heaped tablespoon or 5g of marshmallow root to 300ml of water. Simmer for 15-20 minutes. Strain and reserve the liquid for use as a hair conditioner.

How do you use marshmallow root on skin?

The anti-inflammatory effect of marshmallow root may also help relieve skin irritation caused by furunculosis, eczema, and dermatitis. A review from 2013 found that using an ointment containing 20 percent marshmallow root extract reduced skin irritation.

Can you mix slippery elm and marshmallow root together?

Marshmallow helps soothe inflamed tissues. Doctors sometimes use this herb in combination with slippery elm, cranesbill, and several other herbs to sooth the digestive tract.