How do you gamify your classroom?

5 Ways to Gamify Your Classroom

  1. Adapt old-school games for classroom use. Scavenger hunts, bingo, dice games, Connect Four and Scrabble have been around for decades and can be adapted for classroom learning.
  2. Play digital games.
  3. Create a quest.
  4. Battle it out with a boss battle.

What are some fun classroom activities?

Consider these 20 ideas for classroom games:

  • Charades. In the game of charades, students can study vocabulary words and learn public speaking skills by doing physical exercise.
  • Studying contest.
  • Secret investigator.
  • Stacking competition.
  • Find the clues.
  • Jeopardy.
  • Find the object or image.
  • Category contest.

What game can I play with my class?

Top 10 Classroom Games

  • Charades. This simple but classic game is a great way to encourage your student to get out of their seats and participate in the lesson.
  • Hangman.
  • Scatter-gories.
  • Bingo.
  • Puzzles.
  • Draw swords.
  • Hot potato.
  • Pictionary.

How can I make my classroom fun?

10 Ways to Keep Your Class Interesting

  1. Incorporate Mystery Into Your Lessons.
  2. Don’t Repeat Classroom Material.
  3. Create Classroom Games.
  4. Give Your Students Choices.
  5. Use Technology.
  6. Don’t Take Teaching so Seriously.
  7. Make Your Lessons Interactive.
  8. Relate Material to Your Students’ Lives.

What makes a good classroom activity?

ACTIVE INVOLVEMENT. The more students are actively engaged with their own learning, the more they learn. Students learn better when they are presented with problems that interest them and when they are provided the support and encouragement to discover relevant knowledge and strategies for solving those problems.

How do you play games in class?

In a classroom with 1:1 device use, make time for game-based learning activities by:

  1. Including game time as a designated activity in your lesson plan, not an afterthought.
  2. Using a game as an entry ticket, drawing student attention to the lesson’s topic.
  3. Using a game as an exit ticket, allowing students to reflect.