How do you attract late season deer?

Dominant bucks especially need to hit food sources as much as possible to re-build their body mass and fat supply that was spent during the rut. In some cases, you can even see mature bucks feeding in crop fields or food plots during daylight hours. Standing corn and soybeans are both extremely attractive to deer.

Should I rattle late season?

Hunters need to be alert as deer could approach from any direction. Don’t be shy about banging out some loud rattling sounds. Late season bucks may hesitate at first, but their curiosity will most likely win out and they will usually approach the fight.

Do deer decoys work in late season?

Decoys offer visual cues for slow-approaching bucks and work effectively with social calls. Late-season bucks aren’t looking for a fight, so doe decoys or one of an immature buck are recommended.

What color should you not wear deer hunting?

Deer are red-green color blind, meaning they see orange and red as shades of green. In other words, deer have a protanope vision which also makes them more sensitive to blue light. Therefore, blue jeans are not the best thing to wear while hunting.

Where can I find big bucks in late season?

5 Places to Find Giant Late-Season Bucks

  1. Small, Unpressured Pockets of Security Cover. As a deer hunting writer and editor, I’ve probably written the word “pressure” more than any other.
  2. Near Major (and Minor) Food Sources.
  3. Close to Open Water Sources.
  4. High Up on the Ridges.
  5. In Low-Lying, Hard-to-Reach Swamps.

What time do deer move in late season?

Some people think that it only makes sense to hunt during the middle of the day during the rut but I’m here to tell you that late season also offers good daytime movement between 10am and 2pm.

How do deer see blue jeans?

Deer eyes lack the ultraviolet light filter that human and other longer-lived animals have, which means they see blues and other short-wavelength colors about twenty times better than we do. “Blue jeans are much more vivid to a deer than blaze orange,” said Murphy.

Can deer see orange vest?

The answer to our question is: No, deer cannot see blaze orange the same way that humans see it. It likely appears brown or gray to deer. But they are more sensitive to blue wavelengths than humans, and probably to clothing that has been washed in detergent that contains UV brighteners.

What do deer eat in late season?

With that in mind, here are the nine whitetail foods that are most likely to put you onto a great late-season buck.

  • Acorns. In most areas, there are still plenty of red oak acorns on the ground for deer to feed on.
  • Newly Seeded Alfalfa.
  • Apples.
  • Soybeans.
  • Brassicas.
  • Corn.
  • Hard/Woody Browse.
  • Shrub/Brushy Browse.

Where do bucks bed late season?

A lot of hunters skip morning hunts in the late season because deer tend to bed close to the food and bucks especially tend to bed down before first light. But there are always exceptions, and one of them is when the best bedding area—often a south-facing slope—is a fair distance away from the best feeding area.