How do I share a subfolder?

If you’d like to share a subfolder inside a shared folder that isn’t the team folder, you can:

  1. Remove the subfolder from the shared folder, and then share it.
  2. Move your folder to a regular (not shared) folder, or unshare the folder that contains it.

How do I share a folder on Synology?

Files or folders stored on your Synology NAS can be shared quickly and easily. Simply right-click on a file or folder and select Share. This generates a link and QR code, which can be sent to friends or other users.

How do I share my NAS folder?

Go to “Control Panel” > “Privilege Settings” > “Shared Folders” to configure shared folders of your NAS. You can create multiple shared folders on the NAS and specify the access rights of the users and user groups to the shares. The number of shared folders you can create on the NAS varies according to the NAS models.

How do I Create a subfolder in a shared drive?

Add a Subfolder to a Shared Folder

  1. If you are not already there, select Document Management > Shared Folders to open the Shared Folders module.
  2. Select the folder where you want to create a subfolder and click on New Folder at the top of the shared folders tree panel.
  3. Enter a name and press Enter to create the subfolder.

How do I add a subfolder to a shared mailbox?

Open the Inbox Folder properties – Permissions Tab. Choose the user and Check the checkbox Create Subfolder. If you want to make the Subfolder visible – Open the Permission Tab of subfolder and check the Folder visible parameter.

How do I share a subfolder in Windows?

  1. Select the sub folder from the NAS shared folder.
  2. Right click the sub-folder and select the “Properties”
  3. Click the Security tab.
  4. Under the security window, modify the user accounts permissions. Add –>> to add user privilege in the sub folder.
  5. Click “Apply” then OK, and OK to apply the user restriction modification.

How do I sync folders between two Synology NAS?

Managing Sync Tasks

  1. Sign in to the source Synology NAS and go to Control Panel > File Services > Advanced > Shared Folder Sync > Task List.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Enter a name for the task.
  4. Select the shared folder or shared folders you want to sync to the destination.

How do I transfer files between two Synology NAS?

Drag and Drop Files/Folders between Browsers

  1. Go to Settings > General > File Station.
  2. Tick Enable drag and drop between browsers.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Open two web browsers of the same kind (e.g., Firefox), and connect them respectively to the source and target Synology NAS.
  5. Launch File Station on both Synology NAS.

How do I share a folder on a server?

Open the explorer and go to the location of the file to share.

  1. Right click on the folder 1 and click on Properties 1 .
  2. Go to the Sharing tab 1 and click on Advanced Sharing 2 .
  3. Check the box Share this folder 1 and click on Permissions 2 .
  4. Configure sharing permissions as needed 1 then click Apply 2 and OK 3 .

How do I make a subfolder a main folder?

On the Navigation Pane, select the subfolder you want to change, drag and drop it until the email account name is highlighted. See screenshot: Note: If there is a Microsoft Outlook dialog box popping out, please click the Yes button to go ahead.

How do I add a subfolder?

Create a subfolder

  1. Click Folder > New Folder. Tip: You can also right-click any folder in the Folder Pane and click New Folder.
  2. Type your folder name in the Name text box.
  3. In the Select where to place the folder box, click the folder under which you want to place your new subfolder.
  4. Click OK.