How do I number pages in a section?

To choose a format or to control the starting number, go to Header & Footer > Page Number > Format Page Numbers. To change the numbering style, select a different style in Number format. To change the starting page number of the newly created section, select Start at, and then enter a number. Select OK.

How do I start page numbers at each section?

Double click the header or footer where the numbers are, then click “Page Number” and “Format Page Numbers.” Click the “Start at” drop-down and choose the number you want to start numbering. Repeat this for each section where you wan to customize the numbering.

How do you put page numbers in one section but not another?

To use different page numbering schemes in different sections of your Word document, there are two tricks: 1) you must include a “Section Break – Next page” between each section of your document where the numbering will change, and 2) you must “unlink” each section’s footer from the one before it.

How can I start numbering on page 3?

Start page numbering later in your document

  1. Go to Insert > Header or Footer > Edit Header or Edit Footer.
  2. Select Different First Page.
  3. In the header or footer area, you should see a label on the first page that says First Page Header.
  4. Select Close Header and Footer or press Esc to exit.

How do I number sections in Word?

Number your headings

  1. Open your document that uses built-in heading styles, and select the first Heading 1.
  2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, choose Multilevel List.
  3. Under List Library, choose the numbering style you would like to use in your document.

How do you fix page numbers in Word with a section break?

Select Breaks and choose Next Page under Section Breaks. Double-click in the header or footer (wherever the page number is) and deselect Link to Previous in the Navigation group. In the new section, go to Insert > Page Number > Format Page Numbers. Select Start at and set the value to 1.

Should page numbers start after table of contents?

In more formal texts, such as theses and dissertations, it is common that page numbers only start with the introduction or background. In other words, the pages that include your title, abstract and table of contents are usually not numbered.