How do I make alloy in tinkers construct?


  1. Aluminum Brass – 3 Aluminum and 1 Copper, makes 4 ingots.
  2. Alumite – 1 Obsidian, 2 Iron and 5 Aluminum., makes 3 ingots.
  3. Bronze – 3 Copper to 1 Tin, makes 4 ingots.
  4. Manyullyn – 1 Cobalt and 1 Ardite, makes 2 ingots.
  5. Pig Iron – 80mb Blood, 640mb Emerald and 144mb Iron, makes 2 ingots.

What is the best material for tinkers construct?

Materials list

Material Head Durability Extra durability
Silver 250 150
Steel 540 25
Electrum 50 250
Treated Wood 25 20

How do I get energetic alloys?

Energetic Alloy is a metal added by Ender IO. It is a mix of Redstone, Gold and Glowstone.

How do you separate alloys in tinkers construct?

If you want to have one large Smeltery, you can have some pipes/itemducts filtered to send all the alloy ingots to a pulveriser, turning them to dust and outputting them to a centrifugal separator which will separate the alloy into it’s component metals.

What does slimey mean tinkers construct?

It is a non-metallic material that can be worked directly from the Part Builder. Using Slime Crystals to make tool parts gives tools the Slimy ability, giving it greatly increased durability And the ability to randomly spawn small blue slimes when fighting.

Can Alumite mine Cobalt?

Alumite is an alloy which is crafted with one block of Obsidian, two Iron ingots, and five Aluminum ingots together in a Smeltery. This yields 3 Alumite ingots. It is stronger than everything but Steel (which it is about on par with) and Manyullyn. It is one of the few materials that can mine Cobalt and Ardite.

What does an alloy do in Minecraft?

The Alloy Mod is a mod that adds a very large amount of alloys to the game. It allows for the creation of alloys through the alloy forge. Alloy forges have three levels of ability. The basic alloy furnace can combine two different ingots into an alloy.