How do I know my Shih Tzu is original?

Shih Tzu have large, wide eyes. Their eyes are very dark (though may be slightly lighter on liver and blue colored dogs), round, and “placed well apart”, according to the AKC. Look for a squashed-like nose. Shih Tzu have squashed-like noses with wide, open nostrils.

What nationality is a Shih Tzu?

People commonly associate the Shih Tzu with China, but they actually came from China’s western neighbor, Tibet, which was a sovereign nation until the 1950s. Tibet probably sent dogs to the Chinese royalty as gifts. The Chinese then bred them with Pekingese or Pugs to create the modern-day Shih Tzu.

How can I tell what race my dog is?

The best way to determine the genetic makeup of your mixed-breed dog is with the use of genetic testing. These tests examine your dog’s DNA, looking for the presence of specific DNA sequences that are associated with certain breeds.

What is the cost of Shih Tzu in India?

between Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 40,000
Shih Tzu is fairly priced in India, with the average cost of a puppy ranging between Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 40,000. The price is influenced by several factors, including the breeder, the pup’s bloodline, location, living costs, quality of the puppy among others.

How do you check a dog’s DNA?

Simply order a dog DNA kit from a site like Amazon, Chewy, (or from our top picks below!) and receive your breed identification test in the mail. To get a sample of your dog’s DNA, the kit will provide a cheek swab to swipe the inside of your dog’s cheek.

Are brown Shih Tzus rare?

Brown/Liver Vs. All-brown Shih Tzus are rare, but so are all-black Shih Tzus. In most cases, the black coat will have white markings. This denotes the presence of a gene that generates white markings in all dogs, including Shih Tzus.

How much is a pure breed Shih Tzu?

Shih Tzu puppies sit in a price range of between $500 and $1,600, with the average price of one of these beautiful dogs being around $850. The most expensive purebred Shih Tzus can cost about $6,000.