Did Mozart use double bass?

In his ‘Zum Begriff des Basso in Mozart’s Serenaden’ (Mozart-Jahrbruch 1960/61), Music historian Carl Bär documents the vibrant Salzburg tradition of employing the double bass (without cello) in the vast majority of serenade works by Mozart.

Is Mozart’s Symphony No 40 homophonic?

Mainly melody dominated homophony used throughout. Explores other textures too. First and second violins play in octaves at first, also plays in unison. Other parts uses pedals (sustained notes) and it ends with homophonic texture.

What dynamics did Mozart symphony 40 use?

Mozart – Symphony No. 40: movement 1

  • tempo marking – molto allegro (very fast)
  • 4/4 time signature.
  • key signature of G minor (two flats)
  • dynamic marking p (‘piano’ or soft)’
  • a melody starting on the fourth beat, a weak beat of the bar – known as an anacrusis.

Who is the best double bass player?

Giovanni Bottesini (1821-1889)

  • Pedro Valls (1865-1935)
  • Serge Koussevitzky (1874-1951)
  • Rodion Azarkhin (1931-2007)
  • François Rabbath (b.1931)
  • Chi-chi Nwanoku (b.1956)
  • Edgar Meyer (b.1960)
  • Leon Bosch (b.1961)
  • Is Symphony No. 40 polyphonic?

    A sinister minor-mode minuet full of polyphonic imitation is contrasted with a pastoral trio that puts the horns to good use. As always in a minuet and trio, the minuet returns at the end.

    What is the texture and tempo of Symphony No. 40?

    4/4 throughout. Molto Allegro tempo (very fast). Simple rhythms and occasional use of dotted rhythms and syncopation to create momentum and add interest.

    What is the form of Mozart symphony 40?

    40, like most classical symphonies, uses in sonata form. Unlike most Classical Era first movement sonatas, Mozart begins in media res dropping the listener into the quick motion of the lower strings and a turbid melody in violin octaves.

    What is the texture and tempo of Symphony No 40?