Can I learn farming online? has a wide range of courses and certifications to help you navigate the challenges and changes in agriculture. SDGAcademy offers a course on Feeding A Hungry Planet where you’ll learn about food security and human health, plus making agriculture more sustainable moving forward.

Where can I study to be a farmer?


  • Elsenburg – Cape Institute for Agricultural Training. Bachelor of Agriculture.
  • University of Stellenbosch. Bachelor of Science: Agriculture or Animal Production Systems.
  • Cape Peninsula University of Technology.
  • Grootfontein Agricultural Development Institute.
  • Mangosothu University of Technology.

How do I learn to farm?

There are several ways to start working for a farm:

  1. Look for government-run programs that cover agriculture and farming X Research source .
  2. Join a beginning farmer training program.
  3. Find a summer job as a research assistant for a college or university that holds research trials on one or more research farms.

How many years does it take to study agriculture?

Agriculture is a 4-year degree program offered at the Undergraduate level. The program is divided into eight semesters including topics related to agricultural science, usage of modern farming practices and its benefits to optimize production and minimize pollution and soil erosion.

Which agriculture course is best?

Top Agricultural Courses in India

  • M.Sc in Agronomy.
  • M.Sc in Plant Physiology.
  • M.Sc in Plant Biotechnology.
  • M.Sc in Seed Science and Technology.
  • M.Sc in Animal Husbandry.
  • M.Sc in Soil Science.
  • M.Sc. in Plant Pathology.
  • M.Sc in Sericulture. M.Sc in Sericulture is also a regular agricultural course offered in many Indian colleges.

How many years does it take to study farming?

four year
The Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Agriculture is a four year undergraduate degree programme with its first cohort enrolled in 2016. The programme fits under the hard-applied and life system category. Scientific knowledge in Agricultural production is a critical skill identified in the National Development Plan (NDP).

Is agriculture hard to study?

Agriculture is an easy as well as a lively course to study. The credit hours for the course vary with the universities. In each semester you will study up to a maximum of 12 subjects. For most of the subjects except some of the allied subjects, there will be both practical and theory classes.

How do I start a career in farming?

Here are eight steps to take if you are interested in becoming a farmer:

  1. Research different farming careers.
  2. Talk to people who work in farming industries.
  3. Apply to an entry-level position.
  4. Educate yourself about farming.
  5. Research USDA Beginning Farmers loans and microloans.
  6. Get organized.
  7. Purchase your equipment.