Can amoxicillin treat Capnocytophaga?

In view of the increasing evidence of beta-lactamase producing strains of Capnocytophaga spp., it is prudent to treat patients with serious infections with amoxicillin combined with clavulanic acide (or other beta-lactams + beta-lactamase-inhibitor combinations or imipenem in case of severe infections (58, 63).

How is Capnocytophaga treated?

Capnocytophaga infection can be treated with prescription medicine called antibiotics. Antibiotics kill bacterial germs like Capnocytophaga. It is important to call your doctor if you have been bitten by a dog or cat or believe that you might be infected with Capnocytophaga germs.

Does doxycycline treat Capnocytophaga?

Amoxicillin, ampicillin-clavulanate, piperacillin-tazobactam, ceftriaxone, cefepime, or ceftazidime could all be useful. For oral therapy of milder infections, clindamycin, doxycycline, or a fluoroquinolone can be used.

How do you know if you have Capnocytophaga Canimorsus?

Blisters around the bite wound within hours of the bite. Redness, swelling, draining pus, or pain at the bite wound. Fever. Diarrhea and/or stomach pain.

Which antibiotics treat Capnocytophaga?

In general, many antibiotics, including penicillins, clindamycin, macrolides, and quinolones, are effective in treating Capnocytophaga infections (6, 10, 11, 21). However, strains that produce beta-lactamases and that cause septicemia have recently been described (1, 7, 9, 19).

How long does Capnocytophaga last for?

A high clinical suspicion is essential for its diagnosis, especially in high-risk patients, such as alcoholics or splenectomized patients, as time to positivity of blood cultures may take as long as 6 days. Antibiotic treatment should last several weeks.

How do you test for Capnocytophaga infection?

What tests diagnose Capnocytophaga infections? Doctors diagnose Capnocytophaga canimorsus by detecting it in the blood by growing the bacterium in cultures performed in a microbiology laboratory. Blood cultures may detect most bacteria (“become positive”) within 1 to 2 days of incubating the blood in the lab.

How common is Capnocytophaga infection?

How common is Capnocytophaga? Since 1976, when C. canimorsus was first described, approximately 200 cases of human infection have been reported worldwide, but this is likely just the “tip of the iceberg.” Because infection is not reportable, it is hard to estimate how many cases truly occur.

Should I be worried about Capnocytophaga?

Capnocytophaga, as hard to treat as it is to pronounce, is a common bacteria found in our pets. While harmless to cats and dogs, it can cause serious health problems in humans. So, should we be worried about it? Experts say probably not.

Is Capnocytophaga susceptible to antiseptic agents?

Results regarding susceptibilities of Capnocytophaga to antiseptic agents have not been well studied. Mouth rinses containing chlorhexidine are the most widely used and tested and can be recommended in immunocompromised patients with periodontal lesions.

Is Capnocytophaga Gram positive or negative?

The genus Capnocytophagais composed of a group of capnophilic, gram-negative fusiform bacteria that are part of the normal oral flora in humans and animals. Capnocytophagaspecies have been identified as the cause of a variety of infections in immunocompetent hosts (18).

How many capnocytophagastrains are susceptible to β-lactam antibiotics?

In vitro susceptibility of 96 Capnocytophagastrains, including a β-lactamase producer, to new β-lactam antibiotics and six quinolones. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1987;31:1283–1284.

What is the mortality and morbidity of Capnocytophaga infections?

Even with treatment, mortality can be as high as 30% and death can occur in as little as 24 hours, many times due to complications from shock, DIC, and organ failure. Capnocytophaga infections are not nationally notifiable, and thus there is no national estimate of incidence. Cases are rarely reported in the literature.