What is a normal coefficient of discharge?

The coefficient of discharge for venturi meters ranges from 0.9 to about unity in the turbulent flow range and varies with the diameter ratio of throat to pipe. The coefficient of discharge for orifices in pipes varies from 0.60 to 0.80 and varies with the diameter ratio.

What does coefficient of discharge indicate?

Definition of coefficient of discharge : the ratio of the actual discharge to the ideal discharge, assuming unit coefficients of contraction and velocity, equal to the product of these coefficients.

What is CD in flow?

The release coefficient Cd is defined as the ratio of the actual flow rate from the hole to the theoretical flow rate of the hole (Qact / Qth). Flow coefficients usually range from 0.6 to 0.9 for most holes, and the value depends on the diameter of the orifice and the pipe and Reynolds number.

What is the relation among CD CV and CC?

Coefficient of discharge (Cd) = Coeff. of flow/velocity (Cv) x Coeff of contraction (Cc). If you know coeff. of flow/velocity (Cv) , you will be able to calculate coeff of discharge (Cd), once Cc is known.

What is CD in mass flow rate?

discharge coefficient
In a nozzle or other constriction, the discharge coefficient (also known as coefficient of discharge or efflux coefficient) is the ratio of the actual discharge to the ideal discharge, i.e., the ratio of the mass flow rate at the discharge end of the nozzle to that of an ideal nozzle which expands an identical working …

What is coefficient of discharge why it is always less than 1?

Coefficient of discharge (Cd): It is the ratio of actual discharge to theoretical discharge. As in a pipe, frictional losses are presents therefore Qactual will always be less than Qtheoretical. Its value is always less than 1.

Can coefficient of discharge be less than 1?

Plug in a coefficient for energy losses through turbulence and you have your formula. But you can see indeed that your coefficient can never be greater than one, because that would mean that you end up with more energy than you started with.

Is discharge coefficient and flow coefficient the same?

Unlike the flow coefficient, discharge coefficient is dimensionless and almost constant value for any diameter of a single model.