What fish can be in a tank with African cichlids?

What Kind of Fish Can You Put with Cichlids?

Cichlids Types of Fish You can put in Tank with Cichlid
African Cichlid Rafael Catfish, Plecos, Synodontis catfish and Larger Rainbowfish.
Dwarf Cichlids (Including South American Cichlids and Checkerboard) Compatible with most fish species, including Tetra,

What gets along with African cichlids?

Recommended African Cichlids Tank Mates

  • Recommended African Cichlids Tank Mates.
  • Zebra Loach (Botia striata)
  • Red Tail Shark (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor)
  • Jewel Cichlids (Hemichromis bimaculatus)
  • Giant Danios (Devario aequipinnatus)
  • Rainbows (Melanotaeniidae)
  • Siamese Algae Eater (Crossocheilus siamensis)

Can African and Peacock cichlids live together?

Because cichlids are mostly aggressive, they are generally not community fish and only do best in species tanks. Keeping cichlids from the same region together is also recommended. For instance, mbuna and peacock cichlids will do well together since they both come from Lake Malawi in the east coast of Africa.

Can tetras live with African cichlids?

Most African cichlids grow quite big and are therefore able to eat all tetras. Therefore, one can not keep African cichlids together with tetras.

Can Plecos live with African cichlids?

The krib, a small west African cichlid is similarly compatible with smaller plecos. The dwarf pleco or otto cat (Ottocinclus spp) also stays small and is a hardy fish. A group of these will get along well with small cichlids.

Can you put Cory catfish with African cichlids?

One popular question that a lot of people ask is this: can I keep corydoras with cichlids in the same tank? No, you should not. Especially if they are African Cichlids. African Cichlids (as well as all Cichlids) are known for being aggressive, between their species as well as across the species.

Can a pleco live with cichlids?

The dwarf pleco or otto cat (Ottocinclus spp) also stays small and is a hardy fish. A group of these will get along well with small cichlids. Additionally, the rubbernose pleco (Chaetostoma spp) generally stay under six inches and won’t harm small, peaceful cichlids.

Can cichlids live with Tiger barbs?

Simply put, tiger barbs and cichlids are not compatible as tank mates. Whether the cichlids come from the Americas or Africa, they aren’t optimal for life alongside tiger barbs. Cichlids might behave truculently toward tiger barbs.

What kind of algae eater can I put with African Cichlids?

ancistrus sp.
The best algae eater for the African cichlid tank is without a doubt, the ancistrus sp. Even though they are originally from south America, it is one of the only algae eaters that can adapt to the African cichlid’s water parameters as well as their behavior.