Can your OB-GYN give you birth control?

You need to see a doctor or nurse to get the types of birth control that work best to prevent pregnancy — like the IUD, implant, shot, pill, patch, or ring. You can get these kinds of birth control from your regular doctor or gynecologist, or at your nearest Planned Parenthood health center.

Can I ask my gyno for birth control?

Family Planning and Birth Control Counseling While a primary care or clinic physician can certainly talk to you about birth control and give you a prescription, your OB/GYN may have more information for you based on your individual circumstances and knowledge of your reproductive health and history.

What happens when you go to the OB-GYN for birth control?

Your health care provider will want to talk with you about your medical history and check your blood pressure. You might also need a pelvic exam. Your health care provider may also want to know about your sex life and sexual history: how many partners you’ve had, what kind of birth control you currently use, etc.

Can my doctor prescribe me birth control?

In order to start using birth control pills, a nurse or doctor has to give you a prescription. You can get a prescription at a doctor’s office, health clinic, or your local Planned Parenthood health center. In some states, you can even get a prescription online or directly from a pharmacist.

How do you ask for birth control?

Make an appointment with your general doctor or gynecologist . Or you can go to your local Planned Parenthood (or student health center if your school has one). Don’t be afraid to discuss birth control or sex with your doctor.

What kind of Dr prescribes birth control?

To talk about getting a birth control prescription, usually you’d make an appointment with an OB-GYN, but you can also see a family medicine provider or a certified midwife.

How do I ask for birth control?

How do I go about getting on birth control?

You need a prescription for birth control pills. You can get a prescription from a doctor or nurse at a doctor’s office, health clinic, or your local Planned Parenthood health center. In a few states, you can even get a prescription online or directly from a pharmacist.

How do I ask my doctor for birth control?

How do I get prescribed birth control pills?