Can Azumarill learn belly drum?

Azumarill is able to learn Belly Drum as an egg move in every daycare for 15k. To access the daycares, you’ll need to have completed the Egg Moves Quest.

What is the best Moveset for Marill?

Best moveset for Marill The best moves for Marill are Bubble and Aqua Tail when attacking Pokémon in Gyms. This move combination has the highest total DPS and is also the best moveset for PVP battles.

How do you teach Azumarill belly drum sword and shield?

Get a female Marill/Azumarill, breed it with a male of one of those species that knows Aqua Jet until you get a female Marill with Aqua Jet, then breed that one with a male that knows Belly Drum (or the other way around).

Is Belly Drum Azumarill strong?

Belly Drum

Type Fairy
Category Physical
Power 90 BP
Accuracy 90%

Why is Azumarill so good?

Azumarill is a top tier threat that is very easy to underestimate. While its speed is low it more than makes up for it with typing, ability, stats, and movepool. It may be cute; but Azumarill is absolutely devastating. – Huge Power gives it effectively 150 base attack.

How do you breed Azumarill with a belly drum and Aqua Jet?

Breed Aqua Jet with Floatzel onto a female Marill/Azumarill, hatch eggs until you get a female Marill. Then breed Belly Drum onto that same female Marill through Poliwhirl/wrath/toed. The baby should hatch with both moves.

Is Ice Beam good for Azumarill?

Ice Beam has little use with Azumarill on offense.

Is Belly Drum a good move?

Belly Drum is a risky move that raises the user’s Attack stage to the maximum level of +6 regardless of the original stage, but in return for such an explosive boost rids the user of 50% of its maximum HP, leaving it open to being easily knocked out in subsequent turns.

Why do people use Azumarill?

Azumarill is a niche option on hyper offense and rain teams due to the combined potency of Belly Drum and Huge Power, granting it a monstrous Attack stat after it boosts up.

Why is Azumarill huge power?

Is Azumarill a Tanky?

This variant of Azumarill is used as an offensive tank capable of pivoting into many special attacks while also taking on physical attackers relatively well. This role allows it to work best on bulky offense and balance teams, and it pairs well with Steel- and Dragon-types thanks to their great type synergy.