Is Michigan Virtual accredited?

Michigan Virtual for students is accredited by Cognia (formerly AdvancED). Earning accreditation from an organization like Cognia means that our online instructors, tools, services and staff meet or exceed essential standards of educational quality.

Is Michigan Virtual a public or private?

Michigan Virtual University (MVU) is a private, nonprofit corporation that provides online educational tools, resources and courses for middle and high school students, parents and K-12 educators.

Is Michigan Cyber Academy accredited?

Michigan Cyber Academy is fully accredited, Michigan public online High School serving grades 9-12. We are a tuition free public school using the latest software technology to allow students to complete courses from the safety and comfort of their home.

Is Michigan virtual self paced?

Part of the beauty of online courses lies in the flexible nature of learning, which allows students to work at their own pace and wait until concepts are mastered before moving onto the next lesson. We emphasize quality and comprehension in every single course that we offer.

Where is Michigan Virtual Academy located?

Hazel Park
With COVID Still Causing Problems in Hazel Park Classrooms, and Throughout Michigan, It May Be Time for a Permanent Switch to Online School. Enrollment is open today for the 2022 school year at Michigan Virtual Charter Academy (MVCA), a full-time, tuition-free public-school program of the Hazel Park School District.

Does Michigan Works help with GED?

We also have resources to help you work on your GED preparation from home. Adult Education is open 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM Tuesday through Thursday. (269) 927-1064 x11122.

What age can you drop out of high school in Michigan?

Michigan law requires students to attend public or private school until they’re 18 years old, unless they’ve fulfilled the requirements for high school graduation. However, Michigan students who are 16 or 17 may drop out legally with their parents’ written permission.

How can I be a good teacher online?

Here are 14 quick tips to make online teaching better, from an expert in online learning.

  1. Record your lectures – don’t stream them.
  2. Show your face.
  3. Keep videos short.
  4. Test out slides.
  5. Use existing resources …
  6. 6. … and make sure they’re open access.
  7. Give specific instructions.
  8. Provide interactive activities.

How do teachers guide students?

There are several steps teachers can take to ensure that their students understand instructions and are able to complete assignments with ease.

  • Use Clear and Precise Language.
  • Repeat Your Directions.
  • Explain the Purpose of the Task.
  • Make Sure Your Students Understand.
  • Use an Appropriate Tone.
  • Describe the Specifics.

How many SCECHs do I need in Michigan?

150 SCECHs
To renew a certificate, you need 150 SCECHs, 150 DPPD (earned prior to 7/1/2020) or 6 university credits or a combination (one university credit equals twenty five SCECHs). You can only renew your certificate between January 1st and June 30th of the year it expires. The website is