What is ASTM 330?

ASTM E330/E330M : Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Doors, Skylights and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference.

What is ASTM E331?

ASTM E331 is the standard test method for water penetration of exterior windows, skylights, doors and curtain walls by uniform static air pressure difference. The test determines a product’s resistance to water penetration under these air pressure differences, which can vary greatly.

What is ASTM E547?

The ASTM E547 (Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by Cyclic Static Air Pressure Difference) is a testing standard of procedures used to determine the water penetration resistance of windows, curtain walls, skylights, and doors when water is applied using …

How do you test your windows for water?

Water infiltration testing is typically performed according to ASTM E 1105. This test consists of placing the window unit under a specified static air pressure, and then wetting the window exterior in a controlled manner with a spray rack for a duration of 15 minutes.

What is ASTM E1105?

ASTM E1105, Procedure A – Water penetration testing is conducted at the specified air pressure differential while simultaneously spraying water on to the exterior face of the assembly at the required rate of 5 gph/ft2. During testing, the interior face of the test area is inspected for water leakage.

How do you pressure test a window?

This test consists of placing the window unit under a specified static air pressure, and then wetting the window exterior in a controlled manner with a spray rack for a duration of 15 minutes. Testing can also be performed in cyclic manner of 5 minutes on, 1 minute off, for three cycles.

What is ASTM for Windows?

The full title of ASTM E331 explains its purpose: Standard test method for water penetration of exterior windows, skylights, doors, and curtain walls by uniform static air pressure difference. The test is applicable for testing water resistance of an entire curtain wall or a window, skylight or door alone.

How test is window leaking?

Candle Test Light a candle and trace the sides of your window from inside your home. If you notice the flame or smoke pulling, then that’s where your leak is.

How long is water test for Windows?