Will a Kobo Glo HD case fit a Kobo Glo?

Just make sure the cover you’re looking to get is for the Glo “HD” specifically and not the regular first edition Kobo Glo (the non-HD model) because they are different sizes. The same goes for the Kobo Touch 2.0; bath are smaller than the original versions.

Can Kobo be hacked?

With a little hacking, you can free your Kobo e-reader from its proprietary chains. You may even transform your e-reader into a more general-purpose device. Any piece of proprietary hardware eventually spawns a community of hackers. Kobo e-readers are no exception.

What is KoboRoot tgz?

kobo/KoboRoot. tgz is found in the Kobo’s public partition, then the . tgz file is extracted to the root of the internal system partition. By editing some of the files within KoboRoot. tgz, we can fairly easily enable telnet and ftp access, giving us root privileges.

What has happened to Kobo?

As of March 2010, Indigo Books & Music owned 58% of Kobo Inc. Rakuten acquired the company from these owners in January 2012. On 23 May 2016, Waterstones announced it had sold its eBook business to Rakuten Kobo Inc., and as of 14 June 2016, users were required to access their eBooks via Kobo’s eBook site.

What is Kobo patch?

An improved patching system for Kobo eReaders.

What is KOReader?

KOReader is a document viewer for E Ink devices. Supported fileformats include EPUB, PDF, DjVu, XPS, CBT, CBZ, FB2, PDB, TXT, HTML, RTF, CHM, DOC, MOBI and ZIP files. It’s available for Kindle, Kobo, PocketBook, Android and desktop Linux.

What Kobo model do I have?

Tap Settings. Tap About at the bottom of the menu. Your eReader’s name appears at the very bottom of the list. Look for your model number on the About screen.

Is Kobo still supported?

Some Kobo eReaders, tablets, and Kobo apps are no longer manufactured or supported. This means that some Kobo products won’t be able to download content or get updates.