Why should we read Surah Kahf on Friday?

“Whoever reads the letter of Al-Kahf on Friday, it will be emitted light for him between two Jum’at.” (Narrated by Al-Hakim: 2/368 and Al-Bayhaqi: 3/249.) 2. Forgiveness from Sins: Anyone who reads Surah Kahf on Friday then His sins between the two Fridays will be forgiven.

What does Surah al Kahf talk about?

In verses 32–44 the surah discusses a parable of two men, one of whom had been given blessings from God and the other poor. The rich one wronged his soul and started showing off with his wealth and noble lineage.

When should I read Surah Kahf on Friday?

Therefore, by reading Surah al Kahf on Friday nights and before going to sleep every night one gets the benefits of expatiating from sins as well as granting of wishes.

What is the benefits of reciting Surah al Kahf?

In addition to this, the one who recites Surah Al-Kahf and memorizes it will be safe from the Dajjal and will have his sins forgiven from one Friday to the next (al-Mundhiri). One can see just from these narrations the importance of reading Surah Al-Kahf.

What are the benefits of reciting Surah Kahf?

He who reads Surah Kahf on Friday, ALLAH will shower a light (NOOR) on a face that will last till the next two Fridays. Those who recite this Surah on every Friday ALLAH will forgive all of his/her sins. Whoever reads Surah Kahf on Friday ALLAH will bless his house and protect him/her from poverty.

What is the benefit of reciting Surah Kahf?

What is the reason of revealing Surah al Kahf?

Reasons for the Revelation of the Surah: worship idols. Although they recognized Allah to be the Supreme Being yet they worshipped idols in order to bring them closer to Him.

Can I read Quran without Wudu on my phone?

“No one should touch the Quran but one who is pure.” However, gadgets on which Quran is recorded do not come under the same rules as the Mushaf. Based on this, it is permissible to touch the mobile phone on which Quran is recorded and to read from it without ablution.

Which surah is best for Friday?

In the Friday prayer he (Muhammad) would recite Surah Al-Jumua and Surah Al-Munafiqun (63).