Who won the fight Goku or Broly?

1 Winner: Goku Goku has some clear advantages over Broly and all of them are key when it comes to a one-on-one fight. Ultra Instinct Goku is faster, stronger, and more agile compared to his opponent and on top of that, there is a significant difference in their respective power levels.

Who is stronger Goku and Broly?

Broly is stronger than Goku, however, Perfected Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta is superior to Broly.

Did Goku fight Broly?

Broly fights Super Saiyan Vegeta and his power and fighting abilities increase throughout the battle to the point of seemingly besting the Saiyan Prince in his Super Saiyan God form. Goku challenges Broly in his base form, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue forms and manages to gain the advantage.

How did Goku beat DBZ Broly?

He defeated broly with his strongest technique! Plot convenience! Too much power. It is very clear that Broly literally explodes from power, Goku leaking it/sending more power into him was too much to handle.

Who has Broly lost to?

Frieza wins the fight and kills Broly, then Frieza continues pursuing Android 18 for the Dragon Balls.

Who has beaten Broly?

Broly fights a long battle against Goten, Trunks, and a Super Saiyan Gohan before a triple combined Kamehameha wave from Goku, Gohan, and Goten defeats him by blasting him through the sun.

Can Goku surpass Broly?

During the Tournament of Power, Goku managed to gain the powers of Ultra Instinct, and during the Moro arc, he learned how to use the Ultra Instinct Sign at will. Strong as he is, Goku’s chances of defeating Broly are still very low. Fans think Broly is superior to him in terms of combat.

Is Zeno stronger than Broly?

Dragon Ball’s Zeno and 4 others can easily beat Broly Although Ultra Instinct hasn’t been matched up with Broly yet, he is unlikely to be fast or powerful enough to break through such a sturdy defense.

Who can defeat Broly?

Dragon Ball’s Zeno and 4 others can easily beat Broly In addition, the Moro arc revealed that Angels are essentially immortal as long as they don’t violate Angel law. This serves as further evidence for Whis’ victory.

Can vegito beat Broly?

Vegito would win because his base form alone appears stronger than SSJ2 and 3 Vegeta and Goku in a tag team and the fact that Vegito was the fusion of the two most powerful Z Fighters (Goku an Vegeta). On the other hand, Broly might win because his LSSJ form barely has any drawbacks and his power increases.