Who owns Zeolyst?

Zeolyst International is a Kansas general partnership that is owned 50/50 by PQ Corporation and CRI Zeolytes Inc., a CRI/Criterion subsidiary and member of the Royal Dutch Shell Group of companies.

What is the function of ZSM 5?

ZSM-5 has been used as a support material for catalysis. In one such example, copper is deposited on the zeolite and a stream of ethanol is passed through at temperatures of 240 to 320 °C as a vapour stream, which causes the ethanol to oxidize to acetaldehyde; two hydrogens are lost by the ethanol as hydrogen gas.

Who produces zeolite?

As of 2016, the world’s annual production of natural zeolite approximates 3 million tonnes. Major producers in 2010 included China (2 million tonnes), South Korea (210,000 t), Japan (150,000 t), Jordan (140,000 t), Turkey (100,000 t) Slovakia (85,000 t) and the United States (59,000 t).

What is zeolite powder?

Zeolites are minerals that contain mainly aluminum and silicon compounds. They are used as drying agents, in detergents, and in water and air purifiers. Zeolites are also marketed as dietary supplements to treat cancer, diarrhea, autism, herpes, and hangover, and to balance pH and remove heavy metals in the body.

What is zeolite catalyst?

Zeolites can be shape-selective catalysts either by transition state selectivity or by exclusion of competing reactants on the basis of molecular diameter. They have also been used as oxidation catalysts. The reactions can take place within the pores of the zeolite, which allows a greater degree of product control.

Is zeolite is oxidising agent?

The zeolite can act as a catalyst, Brønsted acid, as well as an oxidizing agent.

What is an MFI catalyst?

Our Pentasil (MFI) zeolites are widely used for automotive emission control, industrial off-gas purification, and VOC, NOx and N2O reduction. As process catalysts, they are best suited for fuel upgrading, production of petrochemical intermediates and processing of chemicals.