Which book is best for SBI PO exam preparation?

Comprehensive Guide to SBI Bank PO Preliminary & Main Exam

Best Book for SBI PO Exam Preparation Author/Publication
A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning R.S. Aggarwal
Objective Question Bank of Computer Awareness for General Competitions Arihant
Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis

Which book is best for quantitative aptitude for SBI PO?

Important Books for SBI PO Quantitative Aptitude

  • Fast Track Objective Arithmetic by Rajesh Verma.
  • Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations R. S Agarwal (S.
  • Data Interpretation by Arun Sharma (TMH Publication)
  • Magical Book on Quicker Mathematics by M Tyra (BSC Publication)
  • Quantum Cat by Sarvesh Kumar Verma.

How many hours should I study for SBI PO?

You should devote 3 to 4 hours a day for to prepare well for SBI PO examination 2020. Revise your study plan and preparation strategy after one month; make necessary changes according to your strength and weakness.

What is Inhand salary of SBI PO?

Rs 52000 to 55000 INR
Q1. What is in hand salary of an SBI PO? An SBI PO gets a total of Rs 52000 to 55000 INR in-hand Salary.

Which magazine is best for SBI PO?

SBI PO Books for General Knowledge: Banking Awareness by Arihant Publications. Static General Knowledge by Arihant Publications. Newspapers and Banking Services Chronicle (BSC Publications) for Current Affairs. Pratiyogita Darpan Magazine.

How to prepare data interpretation for SBI PO?

SBI PO Data Interpretation Preparation Tip 4. Learn Not to Assume Anything : As humans we have an inherent habit of assuming a lot of things without going over the data or factual information. . You need to understand that if some data is missing, there can be a reason behind it.

How are the previous year question papers of the SBI PO?

Previous year question papers of the SBI PO will give you a clear idea of the updated syllabus, latest exam pattern, question patterns, approximate weightage and difficulty level of each and every topic across all the sections.

How good are the RBI grade B and SBI PO books?

Those books are of decent quality and they are almost in-line with the level of questions that are asked in the Quantitative Aptitude section in RBI Grade B and SBI PO Examination. I hope this Helps!! All the Best!!

What is the pattern of di section in SBI PO?

In the mains exam of SBI PO, the DI section will have the following pattern This year onward there will be a separate time limit for all the sections of the Exam. Data interpretation or DI, as is commonly referred to, is one of the most important topics of Quantitative Aptitude section of Banking/Competitive recruitment exams.