Where can I see the movie Loving Leah?

You are able to stream Loving Leah by renting or purchasing on iTunes, Amazon Instant Video, Google Play, and Vudu.

What is the movie Loving Leah about?

To honor an ancient custom, a doctor (Adam Kaufman) agrees to marry the widow (Lauren Ambrose) of his older brother.Loving Leah / Film synopsis

How old is Leah in the movie Loving Leah?

A quirky love story revolving around the unexpected wedding and unconventional married life of a 26-year-old widow and her late husband’s brother, a handsome 30-year-old cardiologist.

What happened to Leah’s husband in Loving Leah?

Jake is stunned when Benjamin dies suddenly, but not as stunned as when he is told that, under an ancient Jewish Law, he is expected to marry the childless Leah to carry on Benjamin’s name. The only alternative is to go through a ceremony where Jake must deny his brother’s existence.

Is Loving Leah a Hallmark Hall of Fame movie?

Loving Leah is a television film that aired on CBS as a Hallmark Hall of Fame movie on January 25, 2009.

Is the movie Loving Leah based on a book?

But casting is only the start of what’s odd about “Loving Leah,” which is adapted by P’nenah Goldstein from her own play. “Loving Leah” is primarily a cute love story between a mousy Hasidic woman in Brooklyn, Leah (Lauren Ambrose), and her urbane cardiologist brother-in-law in Washington, D.C., Jake (Adam Kaufman).

How does the movie Loving Leah end?

For murky reasons, probably involving feelings of guilt and disgrace, Jake stops the Halizah and requests a time-out. Alone with Leah, he proposes to marry her, take her back to Georgetown with him, live in separate bedrooms — and probably divorce her within a year. She agrees.

WHO plays Leah’s mom Loving Leah?

Susie Essman
It seems that Jake mentions something about he really wasn’t interested in marrying her anyway (Just kind of a one-liner to explain his view). She sees Leah only once and is gracious. Mercedes Ruehl plays Jake’s mother and shows up at the beginning and at the end–a much smaller part than Susie Essman as Leah’s mother.

What is the law of Levirate marriage?

The law of levirate marriage (Deut. 25.5–10) requires the levir to marry his sister-in-law, while at the same time allowing him to be released from this obligation. This article argues that these inherent contradictory trends relate to the fact that the law forces the levir to marry a woman whom he did not choose.

What year did the Hallmark movie Loving Leah come out?

Loving Leah began as a play by P’nenah Goldstein and was brought to Hallmark by Ricki Lake, who appears in a minor role in the film….

Loving Leah
Running time 98 minutes
Production company Hallmark Hall of Fame
Original release January 25, 2009

WHO plays Leah’s mother in Loving Leah?

Can I marry my deceased wife’s sister?

Consequently, marriage with a deceased wife’s sister is illegal, owing to the union of blood, according to the law of God and therefore nature——”Man and wife are one flesh.”