Where can I find a logging stand in Inquisition?

Next to the Highgrove Inquisition Camp. On the island located at the center of the frozen lake, next to an unmarked hunter campsite and a locker tower.

How do you get a garden in Skyhold?

Obtained by picking up the Skyhold Garden Recipe on the desk in the Inquisitor’s Quarters in Skyhold. Note: The Inquisitor’s Quarters are part of the second stage of Skyhold’s renovations and as such can only be entered after leaving Skyhold once and returning.

How do you upgrade Skyhold garden?

Once you have all the resources you need to upgrade go to the Quartermaster in Skyhold. He is in the corner tower near Cassandra’s training area, in the bottom floor. In his room is a table where you can finish these quests. Finally, time to trigger the completed upgrade quests, and in that way, upgrade Skyhold.

Where can I find quarries and logging stands?

Locations of Quarries & Logging Stands

  1. Haven. 1 x Logging Stand.
  2. The Hinterlands. 2 x Logging Stands.
  3. The Storm Coast. 2 x Logging Stands & 1 x Quarry.
  4. Crestwood. 1 x Logging Stand & 1 x Quarry.
  5. The Western Approach. 2 x Logging Stands & 3 x Quarries.
  6. The Exalted Plains.
  7. Emerald Graves.
  8. Emprise du Lion.

How long does it take for plants to grow in Skyhold?

After you have planted herbs in every container, simply visit the garden each time you return to Skyhold and harvest these plants. As of this writing, it takes roughly one hour of in game time for a common plant to grow enough to Harvest, with the rarer herbs taking a little longer.

What are logging stands and quarries for?

They can be found in most of the main game locations. Finding them will secure access to upgrades of the Skyhold, to which the Inquisitions moves in the later part of the game. After you get to a Quarry or Logging Stand you must go the marked place and press the interaction button for your character to leave a flag.

How many Skyhold upgrades are there?

In addition to the furnishing customization options there are three possible major upgrades to Skyhold available.

Where do I find quarries Dragon Age?

The first quarry is located half way between The Cove and Sand Crags Inquisition Camp, and directly east from the Logging Inquisition Camp underneath two huge overlapping rocks. The second quarry is located in the Shallow Basin north of the Burial Grounds; head due north from the Empty Square landmark.

How is a quarry formed?

Controlled drilling and explosive blasts are used to extract rocks from the earth. Continued large blasts and removal of the extracted rock will eventually lead to a large pit forming in the middle of the quarry.