When did Texas stop doing inspection stickers?

March 1, 2015
The state of Texas has recently stopped issuing inspection stickers and transitioned to a “Two Steps, One Sticker” vehicle inspection and registration program as a result of a new state law. Beginning March 1, 2015, vehicles are no longer being issued an inspection sticker.

What year vehicles have to be inspected in Texas?

All vehicles registered in Texas are required to receive an annual inspection which includes a comprehensive safety inspection. Gas-powered vehicles aged 2 through 24 years (or upon expiration of the two-year initial inspection sticker) require an emissions test in addition to the state inspection.

What year vehicles are exempt from inspection in Texas?

Cars made in 1995 or earlier do not need emissions tests. They are grandfathered in to a state law that requires emissions testing for vehicles.

Does Texas require inspection every year?

All Texas registered vehicles are required to receive an annual inspection. All inspections include a comprehensive safety inspection; however, some vehicles are required to have an emissions test in addition to the safety inspection.

Do you still need an inspection sticker in Texas?

Inspection Stickers Vehicles are no longer required to have an inspection sticker on the vehicle’s windshield. The inspection sticker has been replaced by the Vehicle Inspection Report (VIR). Keep the VIR handy as it may need to be shown at the time of registration.

Does a classic car have to be inspected in Texas?

Antique & Classic Vehicles registered as “Classic” are required to have an annual safety inspection. These types of vehicles are inspected like any passenger vehicle.

How long is my Texas inspection good for?

one year
Most inspections in Texas are good for one year. However, the initial inspection on a new car will be good for two years. Additionally, your car has to be inspected at most 90 days before your registration expires.

Is Texas doing state inspections?

In the State of Texas, vehicles must pass an official state safety and emissions inspection every year in order to legally drive on state roads. The annual Texas state vehicle inspection helps to ensure that every car is fit to drive and is meant to keep everyone safe on the road.

Is Texas getting rid of inspection?

The Texas Senate on Thursday gave its blessing to a bill that would eliminate the state’s vehicle safety inspection requirement for most vehicles. It would still apply for commercial vehicles.