When did minimum wage increase to 15 in NY?

December 31, 2016
The statewide $15 minimum wage was enacted as part of the 2016-17 State Budget. The plan takes the needs of workers and businesses alike into account. As of December 31, 2016, the first in a series of wage increases went into effect.

What was the minimum wage rate in 2015?

Minimum Wage Rates Chart by State (2015)

State State Minimum Wage *
California $9.00
Colorado $8.23
Connecticut $9.15
Delaware $7.75

What was NYS minimum wage in 2016?

Rest of New York State General Minimum Wage

Effective Date NYC Small Biz Rest of New York State
12/31/2016 $10.50 $9.70
12/31/2017 $12.00 $10.40
12/31/2018 $13.50 $11.10
12/31/2019 $15.00 $11.80

What was the minimum wage in New York in 2013?

In 2013, New York raised the minimum wage to $9 from $7.25 for non-tipped workers.

When did NY minimum wage increase?

The increases are part of New York’s minimum wage package, passed in 2016 by the state Legislature and then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo with a five-year rising scale of wages, staggered across the state based on location.

Does New York have a $15 minimum wage?

NEW YORK (WWTI) — New York State is continuing with its plan to implement its $15 minimum wage. The New York State Department of Labor announced on Monday that the state’s minimum wage phase-in will continue. The next steps are set to take effect on December 31, 2021.

What was NYS minimum wage in 2011?

New York Minimum Wage History

State Wage Year
New York Minimum Wage 2011 $7.25 2011
New York Minimum Wage 2010 $7.25 2010
New York Minimum Wage 2009 $7.25 2009
New York Minimum Wage 2008 $7.15 2008

What was the minimum wage in NYS in 2022?

The remainder of employers in New York also saw an increase, although not yet hitting the $15.00 mark, with a move from $12.50 per hour to $13.20 per hour.

What is NY State minimum wage?

$15.00 per hour
Under the New York State Minimum Wage Act, minimum wage rates in New York increase each year on December 31 until reaching $15.00 per hour. In New York City and for large fast-food companies throughout the state, the minimum wage has already reached its $15.00 maximum.