What were common jobs in the 1700s?

Here are some of the typical trades of Colonial America.

  • Apothecary. The apothecaries of colonial times were similar to today’s pharmacists.
  • Blacksmith. The blacksmith was one of the most important tradesmen of any colonial settlement.
  • Cabinetmaker.
  • Chandler (candlemaker)
  • Cobbler (shoemaker)
  • Cooper.
  • Gunsmith.
  • Milliner.

What were common jobs in the 1600s?

These are some of the jobs you might learn by becoming an apprentice:

  • Cordwainer. A cordwainer made shoes out of leather.
  • Weaver. A weaver made cloth by weaving yarn together on a loom.
  • Tailor. A tailor made clothes for people who could afford to buy them rather than make their own.
  • Smith.
  • Mason.
  • Barber.
  • Servants.
  • Merchants.

What was life like in the 1700s England?

Cities were dirty, noisy, and overcrowded. London had about 600,000 people around 1700 and almost a million residents in 1800. The rich, only a tiny minority of the population, lived luxuriously in lavish, elegant mansions and country houses, which they furnished with comfortable, upholstered furniture.

What were women’s roles in the 17th century?

Women had to take on various roles in the household during the 17th and 18th centuries. They were responsible for running the household, and for more affluent families, managing the servants. Women, or mothers, were also responsible for raising and educating their children.

What were the main jobs in the middle colonies?

Largely agricultural, farms in this region grew numerous kinds of crops, most notably grains and oats. Logging, shipbuilding, textiles production, and papermaking were also important in the Middle Colonies.

Where did the men usually work on the farm?

The men worked outside on the farm and the fields. What they did depended on the time of year. During the spring they would be tilling and planting the fields. They had to do all the work by hand or with the help of an ox or horse.

What jobs were in the Elizabethan era?

Apart from essential manufacturing, the jobs that needed doing were simple tasks that still need doing, so we still have jobs for painters, carpenters, shoemakers, barbers, cooks, blacksmiths, porters, farmhands, clerks and many others.

What was food like in the 17th century?

During the 1700s, meals typically included pork, beef, lamb, fish, shellfish, chicken, corn, beans and vegetables, fruits, and numerous baked goods. Corn, pork, and beef were staples in most lower and middle class households.

What was it like in the 17th century?

The 17th century was a period of huge political and social upheaval. From an age characterised by the Crown’s tight control of the state, the century witnessed years of war, terror and bloodshed that enveloped the kingdom, as well as the execution of Charles I and the introduction of a republic.

What was life like in the 17th century?

During the 17th century, England became steadily richer. Trade and commerce grew and grew. By the late 17th century trade was an increasingly important part of the English economy. Meanwhile, industries such as glass, brick making, iron, and coal mining expanded rapidly.

What was life like in the 1600s England?

A life of poverty. The majority of people during the era of Stuart Britain were poor, with a large portion living in terrible poverty. The 16th century witnessed a surge in population, which had a negative impact on living standards and led to an increase in poverty and hunger.