What time does Ogden Park open?

8 am-10 pm
Park hours are 8 am-10 pm, skate park hours are 8 am to sunset.

Why did they change the name of Hugh MacRae park?

“For the parts of the MacRae name associated with racism, segregation and the trauma of 1898,” Meg MacRae said, “the name change indicates that Wilmington is moving forward.”

How big is Ogden Park?

60.08 acres
Description. Located in the Englewood community, Ogden Park totals 60.08 acres and features a gymnasium, fitness center, boxing gym, dance studio, and a multi-purpose room. Green features of the park include a Nature Garden.

Is the splash pad open at Long Leaf Park Wilmington NC?

WILMINGTON, NC (WWAY) — April is here and it is officially splash pad season in Wilmington. Starting Thursday, the splash pad at Long Leaf Park is open daily at 9 a.m. until sunset through October. The splash pad also has a water wheelchair available for children.

How long is Halyburton Park?

The Halyburton Park Nature Preserve is a refuge for those hoping to explore nature. This 58-acre tract of land is 70% undeveloped, with a handicap-accessible 1.3 mile hike/bike trail circling the perimeter of the park and natural hiking trails that delve into the heart of the park’s natural areas.

How many parks are in New Hanover County?

25 parks
New Hanover County Parks & Gardens efficiently maintains over 25 parks and athletic facilities. The department manages over 2,800 acres of green space, sporting areas, boat ramps, fishing areas, public spaces, walking trails and non-park properties, including historic Airlie Gardens.

Who was Hugh McCrae?

Hugh McCrae, (born Oct. 4, 1876, Melbourne, Vic., Australia—died Feb. 17, 1958, Sydney), Australian poet, actor, and journalist best known for his sophisticated, romantic, highly polished lyrics.

Who was Hugh MacRae Park named after?

Hugh MacRae
The park was originally named after Hugh MacRae, a noted white supremacist who was deeply involved in the 1898 Wilmington massacre when an unspecified number of black people were killed by white men on a mission to take over the city.

How big is Hugh Macrae park?

1.5 mi
Hugh MaCrae Park is a 1.5 mile (3,500-step) route located near Wilmington, North Carolina, USA. This route has an elevation gain of about 0 ft and is rated as easy. Find the best walking trails near you in Pacer App….Hugh MaCrae Park.

Length 1.5 mi
Est. Steps 3500

Are dogs allowed in Long Leaf Park?

Dogs are only allowed off leash in designated areas at Long Leaf Park and Ogden Park.

What state is New Hanover?

North Carolina
New Hanover County, North Carolina

New Hanover County
Country United States
State North Carolina
Founded 1739
Named for House of Hanover

Are dogs allowed at Airlie Gardens?

Due to the unpredictable nature of animals, Airlie does not allow pets in the Gardens. Pets are not conducive towards our focus on water quality, wildlife, visitor comfort and manicured horticulture.