What sizes do towel radiators come in?

The sizes of the towel radiator range from a rather large 1800mm by 600mm size to the pocket sized 700mm by 400mm size. Depending on the size of our bathroom and the amount of people who will be using it, the choice is yours.

What is the widest towel radiator?

1200mm Wide Electric Towel Radiator It’s a radiator, but it’s the perfect size for your bathroom and is specially designed to hang from the wall. It has a functional design that’s both stylish and useful!

What width do towel rails come in?

300mm to 1,800mm
Towel rail sizes range from 300mm to 1,900mm in height and 300mm to 1,800mm in width.

What sizes are heated towel rails?

The dimensions of heated towel rails generally tend to be between 600 – 1800mm in height and between 400 – 1000mm in width.

How do you measure for a new towel radiator?

We recommend you to measure just above the floor or wall, where the pipes come out. Centre of the pipe to centre of the pipe. With these measurements, you need to select the closest possible pipe centre on the towel rail size.

What is the difference between a radiator and a towel rail?

Customers ask us all the time; “what’s the difference between a radiator and a towel warmer?” In simple terms, radiators are more efficient at transferring heat; their job is to keep your room at an optimum temperature, whereas towel warmers do what they say on the tin, ‘Heat your Towels’, offering minimum heat output.

What is a good heat output for a towel radiator?

BTU guides You will require 1 x radiator or heated towel radiator with an output of at least 1896 BTU. Something like the White heated towel rail 1200 x 600 would be ideal. You will require 2 x radiators with a BTU output of at least 3733 BTU.

Do radiators come in standard sizes?

Heating technology has moved on a long way in the last ten years and now there’s no limit to the number of types, shapes and sizes radiators can be bought in. Standard radiator sizes are no more thanks to the different types – vertical, horizontal, column and trench all fit into different spaces.

What are the best towel radiators to buy?

Best Bathroom Radiators

  1. Terma Michelle Towel Warmer. The best contemporary buy, with a high heat output.
  2. NRG Traditional Bathroom Heated Towel Rail Column Radiator.
  3. Terma Outcorner.
  4. NRG Straight Bathroom Heated Towel Rail.
  5. Ximax Parallel-Rail 694W Electric Towel Warmer.

Do towel rails give off as much heat as a radiator?

A towel rail usually gives out less heat than a radiator, however, if it has been sized correctly, then it should still be able to make your bathroom a warm and cosy place. A towel rail might take less time to heat up than a radiator.

Can you leave heated towel rail on all the time?

Heated towel rails are designed to be left on all the time and there are no safety issues to consider if you decide you want to keep them running. A standard heated towel rail will typically come on and off in accordance with the main central heating system.