What race is Selûne?

In both her avatars and her religious artwork, Selûne appeared in many forms, like the phases of the moon. One was a dusky-skinned human woman with long limbs; perfect and exquisite beauty; wide, radiant, lime-green eyes; and long, ivory-hued hair that fell to her knees.

Is Talos a Gruumsh?

After the Spellplague, many came to believe that Talos was, in fact, an aspect of the orcish god Gruumsh, but after the Second Sundering the two deities seemed more distinct. Among the Bedine of Anauroch, who descended from the citizens of Netheril, Talos was still known as Kozah by the 14th century DR.

What killed Mystra?

Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition According to the Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide (2008), Mystra has been murdered by Cyric, and is no longer part of the Pantheon. Her death initiated the Spellplague, which is the direct cause of most of the changes Toril has undergone between editions.

Is Selûne a celestial?

Selune (seh-loon-ay) represents the mysterious power of the moon, the celestial force that influences the tides, changes lycanthropes, orders of reproductive cycles, and pulls at the edges of sanity. An incalculably ancient deity, Selune approaches existence with the placid calm of dappled moonlight.

What domain is Selûne?

The Selûne domain was a deity domain associated with the chaotic good goddess of the moon, Selûne.

Who worships Talos DND?

Because he is a chaotic evil deity hell-bent on destruction, Talos is worshiped by brigands, looters, ravagers and raiders. Religious orders are rumored to be affiliated with him, but these are so mysterious that no one knows much about them.

When did Cyric become a god?

After joining with Midnight (Mystra’s avatar), Cyric took part in slaying down both Bane and Myrkul, and later he would take their place as the God of Murder and the Dead, respectively. On Marpenoth 15, 1358 DR, Cyric successfully ascended to godhood and killed Leira, the original Princess of Lies.

How did the Spellplague end?

By 1480 DR, the Spellplague had ended with the event known as Mystra’s Return. The Weave was resurrected with the goddess and magic became what it was before the Spellplague, though some areas with lingering effects from it remained.