What is ToList in Linq C#?

LINQ ToList() Method In LINQ, the ToList operator takes the element from the given source, and it returns a new List. So, in this case, input would be converted to type List.

What is ToList function in C#?

This extension method converts collections (IEnumerables) to List instances. It is fast and easy-to-remember. It returns a List instance with the appropriate elements.

Is ToArray faster than ToList?

If you want additional capabilities of adding and removing from the collection later on without much hassle, then do a ToList (not really that you cant add to an array, but that’s not the right tool for it usually). In my own tests a while ago, I had found ToArray faster.

Why do we use ToList ()?

In general, if you’re going to use the result of a query more than once, it’s always a good idea to store it via ToList() or ToArray() . This is especially true if you’re LINQ query is an “expensive” one, as it prevents the expensive operation from running more than once.

When should I call ToList?

Use ToList before you exit the using block that holds your DataContext . Return a query when the caller is likely/obligated to supply additional filtering criteria which will be used by indexes to reduce # of result rows and/or database IO.

What is Collectors ToList?

The toList() method of Collectors Class is a static (class) method. It returns a Collector Interface that gathers the input data onto a new list. This method never guarantees type, mutability, serializability, or thread-safety of the returned list but for more control toCollection(Supplier) method can be used.

Is IEnumerable immutable C#?

Just realized IEnumerable is immutable, what are other commonly used immutable generic interfaces?

Why we use IQueryable in LINQ?

IQueryable is suitable for querying data from out-memory (like remote database, service) collections. While querying data from a database, IQueryable executes a “select query” on server-side with all filters. IQueryable is beneficial for LINQ to SQL queries.